{ “一场在错误的时间、错误的地点,同错误的敌人打的错误的战争”……在我国流传甚广的布莱德利的这几句话往往被诠释为美国自认为决策失误,有后悔之意,这是一厢情愿的误解,不符合事实。----- www.mingjingnews.com/MIB/news/news.aspx 资中筠:美国从未认为出兵朝鲜是错误决定 }
那么 美军最高层人士 何时何地何种场景下 说的这话, 英文原文,实意 到底是什么呢?
- I am under no illusion that our present strategy of using means short of total war to achieve our ends and oppose communism is a guarantee that a world war will not be thrust upon us. But a policy of patience and determination without provoking a world war, while we improve our military power, is one which we believe we must continue to follow….
Under present circumstances, we have recommended against enlarging the war from Korea to also include Red China. The course of action often described as a limited war with Red China would increase the risk we are taking by engaging too much of our power in an area that is not the critical strategic prize. - Red China is not the powerful nation seeking to dominate the world. Frankly, in the opinion of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, this strategy would involve us in the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy. 【直译 译文: 红色中国不是个寻求主宰世界的强国。坦白地说,本三军参谋长联席会议(一致)认为,此战略将把我们拖入一场错误的战争,发生在错误的地点,错误的时间,与错误的敌人(为敌,作战)。】
- Testimony before the Senate Committees on Armed Services and Foreign Relations (15 May 1951), published in Military Situation in the Far East, hearings, 82d Congress, 1st session, part 2 (1951), p. 732.
- Variation: "… a wrong war at the wrong place and against a wrong enemy."
- Military Situation, p. 753.
1。这是 美三军参谋长联席会议主席 布莱德理将军的话, 是美军最高军人的话。
2。这不是 美国总统 杜鲁门的话。
3。这是 美总统兼三军总司令 杜鲁门 在1951年4月11日 很冷酷地罢免 其 联合国军总司令 麦克阿瑟将军之后,
于 1951年5月15日,美参议院听证会时,
美三军参谋长联席会议主席 布莱德理将军 代表美军三军参谋长
也代表杜鲁门和美国政府 对参议院议员们的庄重证言和表态声明。
4。这不是 朝战停火协议后的总结。但
5。这是美军 美政府的官方结论。 此结论 至今未被修改或推翻。因此也是最后结论。
6。这不是 麦克阿瑟将军 扩大战火到中国国门外之前 的虚拟和预测。
7。这是一个 冷静和智慧的军人和政治家的结论。
8。 这也是 历史的结论。 岂有他哉!

Omar Bradley (February 12, 1893 – April 8, 1981) was one of the main U.S. Army field commanders
in North Africa and Europe during the World War II
and a General of the United States Army.
He was the last surviving five-star officer of the United States.

五星上将, 布莱德理
"The wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy"
is General Omar Bradley's famous rebuke in his May 15, 1951 Congressional testimony
as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
to the idea of extending the Korean War into China, as proposed by General Douglas MacArthur,
the commander of the U.N. forces in Korea
before being relieved of command by President Harry Truman on April 11, 1951.[1]

五星上将 ,麦克阿瑟

杜鲁门 和 麦克阿瑟
美国 对朝战 有个专有名词: 被遗忘的战争 A Forgotten War
为何 别的美国涉及的战争 都未被忘记 只有韩战 被遗忘了呢?
因为 这是 美军 唯一一次 没打赢的战争!