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常喝红酒视力好】英国赫尔大学视 力手术研究中心权威眼科专家米林德•潘德博士表示,喝红葡萄酒能护眼的关键是其中的白藜芦醇。该物质是红酒及紫葡萄中的一种植物多酚,有助遏制与年龄有关 的眼部肌肉退化,进而防止视力问题。此外,西兰花、菠菜等富含黄体酮的食物也有有益视力健康。

Drinking red wine could be good for your SIGHT: Chemical in grape skin prevents eye disease in later life

  • Consultant ophthalmologist Milind Pande, from Vision Surgery, says the resveratrol in red wine prevents age related deterioration of eye muscles
  • He says it also halts the growth of blood vessels in the eye - if they continue to grow, they can cause macular degeneration, or failing eyesight
  • He says leafy green vegetables can also be good for eyesight

By Emma Innes

Drinking red wine is good for eyesight and can prevent eye disease in later life, according to a leading surgeon

Drinking red wine is good for eyesight and can prevent eye disease in later life, according to a leading surgeon

Forget carrots - drinking red wine is good for eyesight and can prevent eye disease in later life, according to a leading surgeon.

Consultant ophthalmologist Milind Pande says the drink is beneficial because of its resveratrol content.

The substance is found in the skin of grapes and is believed to help hold back the age-related deterioration of the muscles in the eyes which can lead to vision problems.

Resveratrol also halts the growth of blood vessels in the eye – if they continue to grow they can cause macular degeneration - failing eyesight, said Mr Pande, of the Vision Surgery and Research Centre in Hull.

For many it means they need glasses as they get older but it is also the leading cause of blindness in the UK and is particularly dangerous for those with diabetes, said Mr Pande.

The consultant eye surgeon said: ‘Resveratrol is a plant polyphenol found in red wine and grapes and it is this compound that is helpful in the fight against age-related macular degeneration.

‘It is thought that resveratrol stops out-of-control blood vessel growth (angiogenesis) in the eye.


