俺们这儿有10个村子(Villages), 最近同村的一位朋友要结婚。按照本州规定,具有法律效力结婚证和婚礼必须到县里巡回法庭办理。于是在朋友热情地邀请下,俺与村里另外5家村民一起来到法庭参加婚礼。大约早上10:30来到县里的巡回法庭,经过安检后, 新娘和新郎来到前台登记(图一)。然后大家一边聊天,一边坐等JOP (The Justice of Peace)。 11:20左右,一位漂亮美女出现了。经介绍得知,她就是今天的司仪JOP。JOP将大家叫到the Wedding Room,随即仪式开始。首先是JOP验明当事人身份和姓名,然后带领新郎和新娘分别逐字逐句地宣读婚姻誓言(图二),随后两人便交换戒指(图三),最后JOP将结婚证授予两人(图四),仪式到此结束。整个过程很简单,持续大约15分钟。这是俺有生以来见到最简单的婚礼。其实现在许多年轻人在此宣誓之后,还要在教堂里或是在婚礼殿堂上(Wedding House 或者Wedding Hall)重新举行一次隆重的婚礼。由于许多年轻人并没有将法庭上的婚礼和领证的事公布于众,第二次婚礼上的客人们当然也就不知道。 也就是说, 当你在一个隆重婚礼上听到“I do” 时,那对夫妇或许早已经在法庭上领过证并宣过誓成为合法夫妻了。
非常有趣的是,婚礼前等待JOP时,村里的几家村民萌发奇想,商量着找个机会也来一起“过把瘾“。 最后一致决定通过”A vow renewal ceremony”的形式,大家一起在美国再举行一次集体婚礼。俺认为这确实是个好主意。
图1。the Wedding Room 很小也很简单。


首先,要申请结婚许可证(Marrige License),只需一方当事人出庭即可。但是,必须携带双方当事人的身份证并提供有下列所有信息:双方必须年满18周岁。提供驾驶执照,出生证或护照。领证的费用是50.00美元 (只收现金)。俺们州既不要验血,也不需要证人(Witness)在场。一般申请结婚许可证最多需要两天即可办好。然后随即注册办理结婚证(Marrige Certificate) 于法庭结婚。当然也有人将领许可证和结婚证(Marrige Certificate)及法庭婚礼分开的,但是本县规定,领到结婚许可证后必须在6个月内办理结婚证,否则结婚许可证将作废。只有结婚证才是婚姻的法律文件,而许可证不是。新娘和新郎的所需的基本信息:全名,年龄,国家/地区诞生地址,社会安全号码。如果以前结过婚,要提供离婚的日期和离婚的地点。如果在过去一年内离婚,须提交离婚判决的复印件。如丧偶,则须提供死亡日期和死亡发生地点的文件。
附2. JOP在法庭上的领读的婚姻誓言:
JOP: [新郎名字] Repeat after me
I [新郎名字] Hereby take this woman, whose right hand I now hold, to be my lawful wedded wife. I solemnly promise to love and to cherish her in sickness and in health. I promise to take her for better or for worse, for richer and for poorer, and leaving all others, I promise to hold onto her until death do us part.
JOP: [新娘名字] Repeat after me
JOP: [新娘名字] Repeat after me
I, [新娘名字] hereby take this man, whose right hand I now hold, to be my lawful wedded husband. I solemnly promise to love and cherish him in sickness and in health. I promise to take him for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, and leaving all others, I promise to hold onto him until death do us part.
JOP: You have each promised and contracted marriage in my presence, therefore by virtue of the laws of (the state's name) and the office of county clerk, which I now hold, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.
JOP: You have each promised and contracted marriage in my presence, therefore by virtue of the laws of (the state's name) and the office of county clerk, which I now hold, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.