(From BBC website)
昨天看到BBC关于Paula Radcliffe的采访,很受触动。
She is the current women's world recordholder in the marathon with her time of 2 hours 15 minutes and 25 seconds. She is a three-time winner of the London Marathon(2002, 2003, 2005), three-time New York Marathon champion (2004, 2007, 2008), and won the 2002 Chicago Marathon.
我们某种意义上也是马拉松运动员。要常常想到留得青山在,要相信未来还会有别的可能。更何况我们不光有自己的专业,还有其他的特长。放轻松,不管什么选择都是好的。就像这首歌里写的:To everything, turn, turn, turn; To everything there is a season, turn, turn, turn.