加国银行股TD分红历史回顾 ZT


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Stock Split Information

May 31, 19671 Stock Split 5-for-1 Stock Split
December 19, 19752 Stock Split 2-for-1 Stock Split
July 28, 19833 Stock Split 3-for-1 Stock Split
July 31, 19894 1 for 1 Stock Dividend Equivalent to a 2-for-1 Stock Split
July 31, 19995 1 for 1 Stock Dividend Equivalent to a 2-for-1 Stock Split
January 31, 20146 1 for 1 Stock Dividend Equivalent to a 2-for-1 Stock Split
1 The payable date for this stock split was May 31, 1967.

2 The record and payable date for this stock split was December 19, 1975.

3 The record date for this stock split was July 28, 1983. This split was done on a "call-in" basis.

4 The record date for this stock dividend was July 10, 1989, the payable date was July 31, 1989.

5 The record date for this stock dividend was July 8, 1999, the payable date was July 31, 1999.

6 The record date for this stock dividend will be January 23, 2014, the payable date will be January 31, 2014.

Disclaimer re: Stock Split Information: The information presented immediately above is from sources considered reliable. However, given the passage of time, we are not able to warrant or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information, and under no circumstances will we be liable for any loss or direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages caused by reliance on this information.

Valuation Day Price

For Canadian income tax purposes, TD's common stock was quoted at $30.00 per share on Valuation Day, December 22, 1971. After adjustments for the two-for-one stock split in December 1975 and the three-for-one stock split in July 1983, this is now equivalent to $5.00 per share.

There is no adjustment for the one-for-one stock dividend in July 1989, the one-for-one stock dividend in July 1999, and the one-for-one stock dividend in January 2014. For Canadian capital gains tax purposes all the stock dividend shares are considered to be acquired after 1971. The number of stock dividend shares received should therefore be added to the post-1971 pool of shares. Because the stock dividend shares have a nil cost, no amount is added to the cost base of the post-1971 pool. The stock dividend does not alter the number or adjusted cost base of any pre-1972 pool of shares held.

Information as of February 26, 2015
