"在从费城到DC 的路上我们经过了巴尔的摩港。在第二次独立战争时期,1814年,英军在火烧华盛顿之后,分海陆两路进攻巴尔的摩。英国海军对守卫巴尔的摩内港的麦克亨利堡进行了通宵炮击,依然无法拿下这个堡垒。美国律師弗朗西斯·斯科特·基(Francis Scott Key)目睹了英国海军对麦克亨利堡的炮击,次日凌晨,透过烽烟浓雾他看到星条旗依然在要塞猎猎招展。感动之下,他写下了不朽的《星条旗永不落》,后来成了美国国歌。我虽然知道美国国歌诞生于独立战争,但是不知道她诞生于第二次独立战争,更没有如同现在身在美东,依稀闻到当年硝烟的那种真切感。事隔两百年,我和歌词作者同激动。 "
1968年马丁路德金在田纳西州被刺。同年,巴尔的摩爆发了大规模的暴乱。时隔47年,另一次暴动和运动正在进行中。美国最新一期《时代》周刊封面故事就是:美利坚,从1968到2015,哪些变了,哪些没有?内页图文引用巴尔的摩市议会主席 Jack Young 的话说:“我们从来没有真正从1968年的暴乱中恢复过来。我们的基石被摧毁了。”另一篇文章则讲到民主处在种族主义和贫富差别的威胁之中。
Blacks have come along way after civil rights movements, which happened only 60 years ago (My friend's grandpa was never allowed to go out at night after 9:30 being afraid to be lynched. Her mom went to a racially segregated school). A few generations of poverty and lack of education give blacks huge disadvantage. Blacks especially black men carry a lot of baggage and stigma with them. I'm not trying to defend black people, but what goes around comes around. People in this country is now suffering collectively for the crime committed centuries ago.
Freddie Gray didn't do anything to deserve death. The police abused their power, and they should be responsible for this crime. They are not above the laws. Eric Garner didn't do anything to deserve choke-hold death either.
Some black people have misplaced their anger, and they took their anger to the streets. Riots are wrong way of finding justice, however, they should not be used to justify the police killings.
Having stayed in America for 22 years, I've seen the decline of America with my own eyes, sad but true. God has the last word and He determines the answer.
The whole idea of compassion is based on a keen awareness of the interdependence of all these living beings, which are all part of one
another, and all involved in one another. - Thomas Merton