Kid can be creative!
Sometimes I am really amazed by kid's creativity!
DD likes scratch programming now. He created a game using scratch for last year's technology fair. It is a math game with three levels. He really likes it. Later on they needed to do a science project related to volcano. He just used scratch program again. It was amazing to me when he showed me how the volcano erupted using scratch.
He is also doing a TAG(telented and gifted) project related to last 100 years technology and great events. Though the teacher gave parents a guideline to review. But I really didn't pay attention. Then he keeps asking us to accompany him to Home Depot. He bought tubes and several other things. At home, he was busy making stuff. I didn't related all these to his project. Until the TAG presentation, all the parents were invited. I saw his windmill. In each tube, there is one of 10 years most important event he selected. How creative it is!
He still asks us to bring him to home depot and Target. I am not sure what his next creative project will be.
I enjoy seeing kids' love thinking and keep trying.