Seeking Help: How To Install A Chinese Software to My Computer

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 I never took a computer class and I am not smart, so need help.

Juzizhoutou 发表评论于
回复 'summerboy' 的评论 : 但Google Pinyin其实是被我装上了,只是不能用来打字。 我一上那个网站seach 时,英译中是available.
Juzizhoutou 发表评论于
回复 'summerboy' 的评论 :Google Pinyin 听网友的试装过多次,没成。后来是////网友教我在ControlPanel上搞定的。
summerboy 发表评论于
search google pinyin and then install it
after, if you want to type chinese, just click Shift-Alt together to toggle between english and chinese.