《来时的路》(中英文混合版) 3.11 Good to see you

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3.11    Good to see you

“Bonjour, good to see you!”尹伯文不早不迟出现在迎宾口,咧着嘴,给程弈田一个大大的拥抱,“I guess the trip must be alright, my dear lady!”

“Yeah, it was just right. I was squeezed right in the middle.”程弈田精神抖擞地回应着他的问候,“just like this.”说着,她还做起动作,僵硬着身体,两臂紧紧地贴在身旁,双腿收缩在一块儿,“for the whole trip. Don't ask me about the restroom breaks. Where is the restroom, by the way?”程弈田微笑着顺着尹伯文手指的方向匆匆走去,行李丢给了他。

“Here you are. Finally!” 尹伯文替程弈田背着包,拖着行李,从Central Square走回Ashdown,放下背包的那一刻,长舒了一口气。“I was worried that I had to carry this luggage and YOU~ back. You were sleeping like a log on the train. Oh my, you even slobbered on my sweater, yucky!” 

望着作出及其嫌弃表情的尹伯文,程弈田放松了紧绷了一路的肌肉,嘻皮笑脸:“Oops,  俏皮地捂住嘴,“next time, you can slobber on mine. Fair?”

“Ok, Yitian. Not teasing you anymore. You must be so tired! Get rested. See ya.”尹伯文轻轻亲了程弈田的脸颊,拍拍她的肩,微笑着拉上了门。“Hey, email me your MSN account.”

程弈田已经好久没有专门去中国市场了,没有了奚涛开的汽车,那条路显得有点远,来回一趟有点劳心。少了那个选择,程弈田才发现附近的美国超市却也不错:隔三差五地在超市入口处摆着各类的打折券供人随意使用不说,这里更有她了解这个国家衣食住行的窗口。“The brownish stuff I had was For Gras, right? And, it's not even legal to sell it in some states in the US. I knew this because I was intrigued by this little food can called Pate in Star Market. I researched it online, and it's considered the substitution of For Gras. ”

“Very good, welcome to the French Cuisine world!”不出意料,尹伯文在MSN上最喜欢的表情符号是个咧着大嘴的笑,也是两排整齐洁白的牙。“Did you try that pate? How was it compared to For grais?”

程弈田认为,两者的区别,尝过的人,只要不是连中国用大熊猫做亚运会吉祥物都要反对的动物保护主义者,便不会说他更偏向Pate,“Well, it's different, I guess people tried to imitate the soft and melting texture of stuffed goose liver, it's still not the same!”回车键之后,“Not at all!”几个字一出,程弈田才觉得自己想要表达的意思完整了。

“Yeah, you know the Caviar! I am glad that I did not give it to the pig. That's another delicacy I need to show you another time, the Caviar, the real one, the one Einstein loves!"

“How nice! I would love to try that.”
