A:换个角度看问题:如果有一天你儿子以这幅崭新的面目出现在你面前,What would you do?

1.John Carvalho--Pray to hell she turns lesbian祈祷女儿变成同性恋
2.Nicholas Ecv Akerson--Pray hard, and clean my gun! 祈祷,并擦亮钢枪!
3.Donavin Kussard--Start digging a grave 开挖墓穴
4.John Gleichweit--I have friends with lots of land and heavy equipment. I'll take him on a hunting trip... 带他去打猎。。。
5.Robyn McKenzie--Yes "hunting trip" with Dad and other "family" members,.....so sorry there was a terrible accident! LOL 对,随老爹和家人去打猎。。。然后出事了
6.Ronald Ecv Blankenship--I would hang that bastard and then beaten with an ugly stick then give him back to his mother把这混账的东西吊起来大棒伺候,打死他好重新投胎
7.Bary Steffen Ecv--Bash his face in with a rock and feed him to the pig's. End of story...拿石头砸烂他的脸,然后喂猪,一了百了。。。

So you think you can ride? Think again.
Posted by Street FX Motorsport & Graphics on Monday, August 18, 2014
