The Major Lift ...

My recovery has gone well. I still cannot lift weights but

have managed a couple of 10-mile runs during the week. I

wanted to run 15 miles today.

It was a rare morning as the wind blew gently toward the Bay

(usually it was the other direction and strong). Near the

hills, I saw over half a mile a dozen little and tiny rabbits,

bright-eyed, cotton-tailed, and super alert.

I drank too much water and soon started to feel the pressure

but held until a toilet stall at a water fountain in the

hills (around mile 8). But thanks to drinking I was not

dehydrated at all.

My calves began to feel it after the first mile but the

strain didn't turn into pain. My run was smooth but not

fast. Still, when Garmin showed mile 13 took 8:43, I was

a tad disappointed. At that point, I still had energy but

the legs were starting to feel tired and the calves to complain.

I could have run another 2 or 3 miles at the slower pace

but stopped after 13.1.

So I was gladly suprised that overall I ran the HM distance

at 8:10, a new PR! The steady pace during most of the run

saved the day.