It was a busy morning and everything seemed go wrong. Jonathan woke up with a headache. He was exhausted and tired because he woke up twice to check out her daughter NiuNiu during the night. NiuNiu was four years old but she still could not sleep through a whole night. Any slight noise could wake her up and she would have hard time to go back to sleep. When Jonathan heard the cry, woke up, crawled out bed, walked into NiuNiu’s room, his wife was already there to comfort the little girl. In any circumstance, the wife worried about NiuNiu more than him and put lots of effort to make sure NiuNiu was fine with everything. She might adjust the pillow a few times; give her some water; check the diaper; turn on or turn off the humidifier. All she wanted was that NiuNiu could sleep through the whole night and the adults could also sleep through. Jonathan of course cared his daughter but his care was quite different. As a man, he provides; he provided for the family. Jonathan worked very hard to put bread on the table. He worked as a software engineer and he spent lots of time to read IT books to improve or fine-tune his computer skills. Before he got the Green Card, he thought the only books he should read were those IT training books. He had lots of pressure to catch up new technologies. To keep studying new technologies could help him to relieve nervousness. He did not believe he had anxiety over job security. He never worried about anything such as layoff or out-of -job because he was still young and there were tremendous job opportunities for him. He persuaded himself he could study whatever he liked once everything was settled down. That was he eventually got the citizenship and had a very stable job on government site. Then he could do whatever he really wanted to do. He had a long reading list. He even thought about quitting his job and became a full time student. He would like to study history, philosophy, literature, and even art. He wanted to become a great scholar. However, in reality, he had to work every day; sometimes, he woke up with a broken dream at midnight. The burden of life, job, and family could not break him down but it burned him up slowing.