Prints for men

Fashionable men, rejoice! For a change Bengaluru will be hosting something exclusively for men — traditional hand-crafted clothing from various parts of India.

The Varnam Showcase presents ‘Prints Charming’, a showcase that brings together four enterprises involved in the craft of traditional block-printing. It’s an initiative to showcase talent that shares Varnam’s philosophy of bringing innovation and good design to Indian traditional crafts. And in the process celebrate the new wave of design talent in the country via limited edition pop-ups and collaborations, at Varnam’s store in Indiranagar.

Tat from Mumbai, Brahmakarma and Awdhesh Kumar from Jaipur, and People Tree from Delhi will showcase their lines.

The range includes shirts, kurtas, trousers, shorts and bow-ties, all made from block-printed traditional fabrics.

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Tät is a Mumbai-based menswear label that was started in December 2013 by Prasad Ramamurthy. It uses traditional Indian techniques to create modern clothing for men. Brahma Karma INC. is an enterprise by Swati Sharma, designing and manufacturing hand block-printed clothing, textiles and lifestyle products. Awdhesh Kumar, from Jaipur, is a menswear label that has been working in the craft of block printing for several decades. People Tree is the iconic label from New Delhi known for its unique women’s and menswear.

Prasad Ramaurthy's Tät will be showing two types of crafts: daboo and ikkat. Daboo is a mud-based block printing technique from Pipra in Rajasthan. Indigo is the primary colour used in daboo. “I’ve created shirts (in keeping with the Rajasthan theme, there’s a hunter shirt), ganjis, bow ties, neck ties and trousers,” says Prasad. Ikkat is a weaving technique found in various forms across the country and around the world. He uses ikkat made in Ponchampally and Odisha and has created kurtas and shirts in various styles.
