女儿会开车了(旁边要有人,过完生日就可以正式拿驾照了),给别人上课了,银行有自己账户了,买东西用自己的钱也知道要挑sale 仔细算了,是不是也该把她当大人了呢?
她试着调制的 mixed drink准备在她的生日party也serve : mixed lemon juice with ice soda,我们在外面大人喝的加了一点 vodka ,她喝的里面没有酒。这是我们原来的照片,回头补上她的。

她平时在 Olive Garden 点这个,挺喜欢,就是嫌它稍辣一点,这次买的是微辣的sausage。网上找的方子。
3/4 lb Italian sausage (喜欢 mild sausage),2 large russet baking potatoes, sliced in half, 1 large onion, chopped,2 garlic cloves, minced,2 cups kale ,2 (8 ounce) cans chicken broth,水加满到中大锅3/5地方,她说多做一点,可以给左边替我们旅游时帮忙看她乌龟的邻居和右边她的American grandpa,grandma(女儿小时候经常呆在他们家,非常宠爱她,女儿说她要找时间和他们再多见见面,他们都快90了), 3/4 cupheavy whipping cream ,我让她减了一点。
- Chop or slice uncooked sausage into small pieces.
- Brown sausage in your soup pot.
- Add chicken broth and water to pot and stir.
- Place onions, potatoes, and garlic in the pot.
- Cook on medium heat until potatoes are done.
- Salt and pepper to taste.
- Simmer for another 10 minutes.
- Turn to low heat.
- Add kale and cream.
- Heat through and serve.
小牛排:她用sauce 自己腌了一个半小时,然后在平底锅两面放油小煎的。旁边是她自己吃的雪豆,煮完了就用这个牛排的汁拌拌,到也简单健康。:)
Pasto Pasta :
1. Cook pasta in a large pot of boiling water until done. Drain.
2. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a frying pan over medium low heat. Add pesto, and salt and pepper.
3. Saute,shaking pan frequently, until tomatoes soften and skins just begin to wrinkle, about 2 minutes.
4. In a large bowl, mix pesto mixture into pasta. Stir in grated cheese. Serve.
她太啰嗦了,就是煮熟pasta, 小西红柿翻炒熟,放pasto 酱和cheese. 不过人家还知道拿香菜点缀呢。小西红柿切成那样也是她的创意。:)

她说她学的是拉斯维加斯的Venetian那里餐馆吃的 pasta,我们上次圣诞和新年确实在Vegas 过的, 也在Venetian意大利餐馆吃了饭,逛了街,不过我记不清吃什么了。


我说可以了,她非要再加一个不是意大利的蓝莓pie, 说是明天当早饭,现在蓝莓sale, $9.99 5 磅,就随她去玩吧。她买的现成冻皮,用的这个Pillsbury网上配方。她放多了蓝莓,样子有点不上台面,不过味道很好,很酥,里面的甜度也正好,柠檬和蓝莓的味道也搭,不夸张地说这是我吃过的最好吃的蓝莓pie,比外面买的好,不知是因为蓝莓新鲜还是方子好,我晚上就吃了好几块,害人啊。:)
用料: 1box Pillsbury™ refrigerated pie crusts, softened as directed on box , 5 cups fresh blueberries or 5 cups Cascadian Farm™ organic frozen blueberries, thawed,1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar ,2 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca ,1 tablespoon lemon juice ,1 tablespoon milk

她说下次再做在Vegas 那里吃的点心,我说好,我们一起弄。