昨晚的音乐会首先以德沃夏克代表作之一《斯拉夫舞曲》中著名的第1集第5首和第2集第3首(Slavonic Dances Opus 46, No. 5 and Opus 72, No. 3)开场。带有许多捷克民间舞曲曲调和民歌曲调的旋律时而热情、欢乐,时而深挚、忧伤,时而恬淡,时而辉煌。。。。。。《斯拉夫舞曲》的创作成功使处于困境、不知名的德沃夏克开始成为享有国际声誉的作曲家。《斯拉夫舞曲》中淳朴、欢快、热烈的捷克舞曲旋律使我想起了全家2008年的捷克之行,特别是布拉格那座建筑之城、艺术之城、历史之城、文学之城、音乐之城,包括德沃夏克的纪念馆。。。。。
“这部作品的思想内容和艺术形象之丰富,它的主题的多样和对置,紧张地发展的乐思所具有的内在的巨大力度,都是它那激动人心的魅力所在,正也就是这些特点,使得这首协奏曲在作者生前就已广泛流传,欧美各国音乐会舞台时常有各种类型的钢琴家演奏它,作者也经常把它列入自己的交响音乐会曲目,多次亲自指挥这部作品的演出。。。。。。”而昨晚本市交响乐团邀请到的钢琴演奏者是我们朋友的女儿、获得过多项美国国内和国际钢琴比赛大奖的18岁高中毕业生Esther Liao, 2015 Ima Hogg 钢琴大赛金奖获得者。交响乐团的官方网站是这样介绍的“At the age of nine, Esther Liao made her debut with the Houston Symphony as the youngest Silver Medalist of the Houston Symphony League Youth Competition where she became the Gold Medalist three years later……While maintaining her academic excellence throughout her challenging high school years, Liao won First Place in the 2015 Blount-Slawson Young Artist Competition, the 2014 International Music Competition Jacques Taddei in France, and the Tenth Annual Lynn Harrell concerto Competition. In 2013, she made her Carnegie Hall debut at Weill Recital Hall as the Grand Prize winner of the American Protégé International Concerto Competition in New York. Liao was named a Texas Young Master in 2014, and a recipient of scholarships from the Music Doing Good Foundation. She was also featured on NPR’s “From the Top” and on Houston’s KUHA Classical Radio Station. …..Having been accepted by multiple Ivy League institutions and top conservatories, Liao is planning to attend Princeton University after this summer.”
看来你的文章后,因为对这个孩子好奇特意搜寻了一些她以往的视ping看了以后,我很吃惊,她在十岁时与她老师Mr. Scott Holshouser 共同合作的 Beethoven Piano Concerto No.1 1st mvt,无论是在技巧上,还是舞台的表现。都相当的成熟和出色。谢谢你的介绍晓阳