周末一笑: 警察的热心(转载)

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1 警察的热心

I was surprised to learn that my 72-year-old mother dared to drive 900 miles in a 12-year-old car to visit me. When asked how she made out, she told me just fine...until her second night. She had filled the gas tank and didn't have the money for a motel room.

"What did you do?" I asked.

" Well, "she began, “I was driving through this small town and feeling very sleepy. A policeman pulled me over and asked if I had been drinking.  When I told him no, he wanted to know why I was weaving all over the road, I explained my situation, ’‘Follow me, ”he ordered. We then drove to a motel where the nice officer paid for my night's lodging.

"As he was leaving, " Mother continued, ”he turned to me and said, ‘Ma'am,the next time you have to visit your daughter, please take another route.'”





2 副作用

One morning I opened the door to get the newspaper and was surprised to see a strange little dog with our paper in his mouth. Delighted with this unexpected “delivery Service", I fed him some treats. The following morning I was horrified to see the same dog sitting in front of our door wagging his tail, surrounded by eight newspapers.

I spent the rest of that morning returning the papers to their owners.



3 母亲与教师

I teach middle-school choir and occasionally have my own children in class. One day my son asked if he could have a pencil. As a teacher, I normally do not lend items to unprepared students; but as a mother, I help my children whenever I can. I asked my son whether he was speaking to his teacher or his mother.  He replied, “It depends on who has the pencil."


4 挑战

A woman found a note on the coffee-shop menu: "We will pay you$10 if you order a sandwich we can't make.” She ordered an elephant-ear sandwich.  After several minutes, the waitress returned and said, ”Here's your  $ 10,ma'am.  We can't make that sandwich."

“I'm not surprised," answered the woman. “Where would you ever get elephant ears?"

"Oh, it's not the ears," said the waitress. ”We're out of those big buns."




5 新朋友

When my wife, Diana, and I met a new couple at church one Sunday, we stopped to introduce ourselves and to exchange pleasantries.  We described the friendly neighborhood we lived in, and listened sympathetically as they lamented that theirs was just the opposite.

Saying our good-byes, we got in our cars and drove home. As we approached our house, we were horrified to see that our new-found friends were pulling into the driveway next to ours.



6 我当您的儿子

Shortly after our teen-age son started his first job at a family restaurant, we decided to surprise him by having dinner there one night. I was warned by other family members not to embarrass him by making it obvious I was his mother. Being an exuberant parent, I found this difficult but managed to act like other customers. I kept my head bent over the menu and politely accepted silverware and a glass of water---all without glancing up.

I realized I may have been a bit too successful in keeping my distance when my son stared pointedly at me and said, “Hello, my name is Andrew, and I'll be your son for this evening.”



南山松 发表评论于
回复 'Gardenia1020' 的评论 :
谢谢Gardenia欣赏, 问好!
Gardenia1020 发表评论于
南山松 发表评论于
回复 '多伦多橄榄树' 的评论 :
嗯, 一家人的快乐好戏:)
橄榄树, 新周快乐!
南山松 发表评论于
回复 '50后的姥姥' 的评论 :
哈哈, 问好美眉, 新周快乐!
多伦多橄榄树 发表评论于
50后的姥姥 发表评论于
南山松 发表评论于
回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 :
嗯, 是的, 菲儿, 警察真好:)
菲儿, 周日快乐!
南山松 发表评论于
回复 '绿叶唤唤' 的评论 :
哈哈, 唤唤, 别笑太大声, 免得勾起你二哥和才哥的伤心~~~
唤唤, 周末快乐!
南山松 发表评论于
回复 '北美君子' 的评论 :
君子好! 估计你家小狗一定非常可爱:)
君子, 周日快乐!
菲儿天地 发表评论于
绿叶唤唤 发表评论于
绿叶唤唤 发表评论于
北美君子 发表评论于
南山松 发表评论于
回复 'fengdaming' 的评论 :
fengdaming好! 对同一群体的认识, 人们的感觉是多么的不同啊.
fengdaming, 周末快乐!
南山松 发表评论于
回复 '多伦多橄榄树' 的评论 :
橄榄树好, 周末快乐!
南山松 发表评论于
回复 '特高兴' 的评论 :
哈哈, 特高兴, 好主意. 这样才哥也不会想起那只被摔死的小鸡了~~~
特高兴, 周末快乐!
fengdaming 发表评论于
多伦多橄榄树 发表评论于
特高兴 发表评论于
南山松 发表评论于
回复 'SnowFallingOnWater' 的评论 :
哈哈, 雪花好! 我也想知道那是哪个镇~~~
雪花, 周末快乐!
SnowFallingOnWater 发表评论于
哈哈哈。。。。那个警察太好了,是哪个小镇?下次也去那儿 :O)))
南山松 发表评论于
回复 '手拉手来' 的评论 :
手拉手好! 我还不知道呢?~~~
手拉手, 周末快乐!
手拉手来 发表评论于
南山松 发表评论于
回复 '花甲老翁' 的评论 :
问好花甲老翁, 周末快乐!
南山松 发表评论于
回复 'Michelle_Lee' 的评论 :
哈哈, 小婷好! 特别想看看你露馅的样子~~~
小婷, 周末快乐!
南山松 发表评论于
回复 'whim_开心09' 的评论 :
开心好! 哇, 警车开道, 那得多威风啊~~~
开心, 周末快乐!
南山松 发表评论于
回复 '小声音' 的评论 :
哈哈, 小小, 我也盼着遇到这样的警察~~~
小小, 周末快乐!
南山松 发表评论于
回复 'spot321' 的评论 :
点点好! 哈哈, 我也想知道包大象耳朵的面包有多大~ 嗯, 小狗聪明着呢:)
点点, 周末快乐!
花甲老翁 发表评论于
Michelle_Lee 发表评论于
whim_开心09 发表评论于
警察的故事很有趣。很多年前,我们开车去美国玩,那个时候还没有GPS, 在高速路上迷路了,看见一警车,上前打听问路,警车说,跟我走,我们一路,跟着警车,那可是警车开道,我们跟在后面,好风光。美国警察太敬业i 了。
小声音 发表评论于
spot321 发表评论于