南希·盖博女士为费城市府外办主席,去过天津三次,还有一个来自天津的干女儿,对天津有着独特的情感。因费城为天津的姊妹友好城市,她一手促成了三年前费城纳特市长访问天津,其时吾随费城代表团出访,兼任纳特市长翻译,访问的第一天全天考察天津开发区滨海新区,保税区和货运码头都在参观之列,那是天津的一个窗口,对外的骄傲,南希记忆犹新,难忘泰达之旅。若干年后重新造访,还是很吃惊滨海新区发展的日新月异,秀给费城代表团,甚为之自豪,随团的美国团员均对那一片土地的发展神速钦佩仰慕。纳特市长当时对那片新区的年发展速度觉得难以置信, 滨海新区这种火箭式的发展速度在他眼里是个奇迹。
吾在天津日报做记者期间,以为对泰达的一切很熟悉,那时只有泰达经济开发区。几次采访开发区,走进去,闻到的满大街均是方便面的味道。三年前的访问更是记忆犹新:开发区扩张成滨海新区,据说这里是未来中国经济发展最快的地方:百分之二十的发展率。那里建成双城双港,成为天津滨海新区的中轴:泰达低碳中心城、中新生态城(Eco City)、天津南港和东疆保税港。在英语中,Eco City表示一种能使大自然良性循环的环保生态城市。从规划图里看,十年前,中新生态城的原址还是一片盐碱地,这个中国和新加坡在苏州工业园区之后的合作项目,中新天津生态城作为世界上第一个国家间合作开发建设的生态城市,将为中国乃至世界其他城市可持续发展提供样板;为生态理论创新、节能环保技术使用和展示先进的生态文明提供国际平台;为中国今后开展多种形式的国际合作提供示范。
当时代表团看到的是精致的新区,宽广的大道,是新城的气派,车行驶在横平竖直的广阔街道,两边错落有致星罗密布太阳能节板。最让纳特市长无法忘怀的是参观东疆保税港,这是在五年之内人工围海造地出来的一片不可思议的神奇之地。它位于滨海新区最东端,是用疏浚航道的淤泥吹填造陆,形成的三面环海半岛式港区。 纳特市长摇头不可想象:费城四十年城建都没有什么翻天覆地的改变,最多就是几栋新楼矗立而已,这五年创出的一个码头港口的奇迹只有中国可见。他极为震惊,且不说全球五百强企业有将近两百家落户天津,仅是天津港填海扩大项目就能容纳新增的二十三台重型集装箱起重机,相比之下费城港口仅能容纳五台。当被告知东疆保税港未来十年将会有更大举措,面积会加倍,而且意将其建成为了北方最大的豪华游轮始发码头。纳特市长和同仁们交换着惊诧的眼光,比较费城的海军基地改造的港口,这天津港的发展简直不可同日而语。
August 13, 2015
A note from CDI President, Nancy Gilboy
Yesterday was a very sad day for Tianjin, Philadelphia’s Sister City in China. Two massive chemical explosions ripped through a section of their large port, and throughout last night and today each report I read increased the number of citizens who were killed and injured. As I write this, the latest report has at least 50 dead – including more than a dozen firefighters - 700 injured and 3,500 who spent last night in shelters because their homes were destroyed.
When the news reached Mayor Nutter about the explosions, he immediately wrote to Tianjin's Mayor Huang, whom he first met in 2012 when he led a delegation there. Their relationship developed through the Sister Cities Program.
Over the 35 years that Philadelphia and Tianjin have been “twinned,” Philadelphians have welcomed government officials, executives, artisans and students from Tianjin – many we now consider close friends. Meeting people through international exchanges, such as the Sister Cities Program, can’t help but make us care about them and heighten our interest in the city and country they’re from. That’s why international exchanges are an important part of our country’s international relations efforts. Yesterday’s tragedy means more to us than it might to others outside our region because each citizen of a Sister Cities is a member of our extended family.
For 61 years Citizen Diplomacy International of Philadelphia (CDI), has worked with international exchanges for both the U.S. Department of State and the City of Philadelphia. CDI is honored to administer Philadelphia’s Sister Cities Program – and from this wonderful program we’ve made friends in Tianjin, as have hundreds of others here.
I spent last night and today contacting the Tianjin citizens I’ve met over the years, and was happy when each wrote back they were safe. I’ve also heard from Tianjin natives currently living in the Philadelphia area who offered to work with us to raise funds to help citizens impacted by the explosions. We are now considering a fundraiser and will be in touch as plans progress.
In the meantime, please keep our Tianjin family in your prayers.
Tianjin & Philadelphia: Tianjin, China’s fourth largest city with more than 13 million citizens, is in Northeast China, 90 miles from Beijing. It became Philadelphia’s Sister City in February 1980 when the cities signed an agreement to celebrate, support, and create economic, educational and cultural partnerships. Many activities have taken place since the signing. Most recognizable from this relationship is the Friendship Gate at 10th and Arch in Chinatown, the only authentic Friendship Gate remaining in the United States. In 2008 Tianjin sent artisans to restore the 25 year old gate to its original beauty by using ancient methods for painting and gold leafing. The project was done in cooperation with the Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation. In late 2012 Mayor Nutter led a delegation that included China Partnership of Greater Philadelphia, Citizen Diplomacy International, Drexel University, Fox Chase International, the Philadelphia Orchestra, and White and Williams. Agreements were signed for cooperation in energy, education, medicine, culture and law. A reciprocal visit by Mayor Huang was made in the Spring of 2013. The first Sister City Scholar, who graduated from Drexel as Class President, was from Tianjin.
CDI: Formerly the International Visitors Council of Philadelphia (IVC), CDI has been the region's official international relations organization since 1954 as a public/private partnership with the U.S. Department of State and the City of Philadelphia. It oversees the Sister City Program and the State Department's highest exchange, the International Visitor Leadership Program.
CDI engages local citizens in playing a role in international relations, builds mutual understanding among nations and promotes Philadelphia’s rich history, culture and economy to the world.
CDI is part of a national network that was nominated for the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize.
胡曼荻为美籍华裔作家,著有关于美国移民留学的长篇小说《美漂》。互动新浪微博@胡曼荻,新浪博客: http://blog.sina.com.cn/huximei