
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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已有 390 次閱讀 2015-8-19 09:39 |個人分類:Core value|係統分類:博客資訊    推薦到群組

社會公德和規矩後麵,有個核心(2015-08-19 10:37:52)下一個


Note:  "社會公德和規矩後麵,有個核心的、看得見摸得著的東西,這就是別人的利益。教會學生正確對待別人的利益,是中國教育所缺乏的,而這恰恰是美國教育的一個重要內容,也是美國名校的期望。美國的教育,從家庭到學校,對孩子感受並尊重別人利益的能力,非常重視,而這就是人品的基礎,也是評價一個孩子時,說他nice(好)”和“fair(公平)”的實質內涵。學生不僅成績要好,有激情有特長,還要具備能在社會上成功的心理素質和人格魅力;在一個成熟穩定的社會,年輕人要出頭,人品是不能差的,要懂得顧忌別人的利益。資本主義的美國,名校錄取學生時,對學生的人品看得這麽重;也就不奇怪了,申請名校,還要附加作文、推薦信、麵試、現在還要查Facebook等社交留言記錄,涉及方方麵麵很多人、環環相扣;有時這個過程之微妙,隻有圈內人才能意會。最頂尖名校的招生官從這些東西裏麵,飛速解讀和預測一個個申請學生的各個方麵,包括性情人品。對那些成績特好,自我感覺也特好,別人好像都欠他的學生,對不起,格殺勿論;最頂尖名校最喜歡炫耀的,就是屠宰(slaughter)了多少SAT考滿分者。




“己所不欲,勿施於人”,實質就是換位思考、尊重別人的利益。"(by 徐罡博士)

***  Add-on note for my posts:  各位有缘人【总之就是正在看着屏幕的您!】,[em:3:] blessings! “己所不欲,勿施於人”,實質就是換位思考、尊重別人的利益 = decency。(I wrote all my posts based on what I read on line, a way of taking break, a routine of daily activity. I can't write anything without this fabric of  other's writing, an inspiration that triggers my own motivation to write. Copy/paste the original article provides me with a context to track down where I got the idea, a way to credit back to those writers. “己所不欲,勿施於人”,實質就是換位思考、尊重別人的利益 - You're free to quote my writing. If you're objected to my quotation, can you let me know so I can correct it? Thanks.

Reference: I'd credit the original source of my inspiration to write this post by citing the entire article above, only for academic/teaching purpose, but not for commercial purpose - making and promoting any products. I use both URL (URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator and is a reference (an address) to a resource on the Internet. A URL has two main components: Protocol identifier: For the URL http://example.com , the protocol identifier is http . Resource name: For the URL http://example.com , the resource name is example.com .) and the entire article for my electronic library as URL is drifted with time, so it's hard to find the original citation. Let me know if you're objected to my citation of your article - I'd act accordingly. Thanks so much for your attention.

*** all my blog posts align with 唐師曾 on this: "無計劃、無腹稿,每天拍攝,即興亂侃。短兵相接講人的故事,隨拍隨說客觀記錄,是為“語像”。無立場、無判決。漏洞百出,歡迎補漏。作為新聞記者,我獲取的信息簡單處理後,以新聞的特點、速度即刻傳播。不計時間成本地對某個問題深入研究,不是我的本職工作。"- 唐師曾


A common problem with many Chinese Language websites                        

已有 108 次閱讀2017-1-24 10:24

In re-reading some of my older blog articles, I have found the following  problem with many Chinese language websites. When my article gave reference to material associated with my article, e.g., a website, the Chinese website do not archive old news reports. Instead one finds the website referenced has new stories featured that has nothing to do with my article. The old article referenced by me has disappeared and nowhere to be found. There is nothing I can do about this. On the other hand, international news sites such as CNN or NY Times  has a distinct reference for each page of content featured. Reader can always see it even if the content is ten years old. I hope ScienceNet reader and the general public can urge these Chinese websites to change their practice. After all, these days computer memory to a first approximation cost nothing.

http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-847277-914353.html  此文來自科學網李勝文博客,轉載請注明出處。

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3 尤明慶 張憶文 曾傑

發表評論 評論 (3 個評論)

基督教 answered three basic questions: Who am I? Where I come from? Where I will go? All others couldn't answer these three questions. Can you explain how 道家、儒家和釋家 answer these three questions. That's the root of Chinese bureaucracy and official corruption.

基尼係數(Gini Coefficient)是意大利經濟學家基尼(Corrado Gini)於1922年提出的,已是國際上用來綜合考察居民收入分配差異程度的一個重要分析指標。基尼係數值在0和1之間,越接近0表明收入分配越平等,越接近1表明收入分配越是趨向不平等。


  中國家庭淨財產的基尼係數1995年為 0.45,2002年為0.55,2012年達到0.73,富裕的1%的家庭佔有全國1/3以上的財產,貧窮的25%的家庭擁有的財產總量僅有1%左右。相當大的一部分人民不聊生,而權貴們則富可敵國。
- See more at: http://news.creaders.net/china/2015/06/09/1541344.html#sthash.E5m3DNHJ.dpuf更多精彩點擊:http://www.creaders.net

刪除 回複 [3]曾傑  2015-8-20 17:20
博主回複(2015-8-21 10:41)《毛澤東文選》26卷301頁有這樣一段話:“我們共產黨人,是從批孔起家的,但是我們決不能走前麵他們的路,批了再尊,等到我們為了鞏固自己的地位再把孔子的思想拿來給予老百姓,落入曆史的一種循環,這是不行的。如果共產黨也到了沒法統治或者遇到難處了,也要把孔子請回來,說明你也快完了。" Do you know why? That's because "道家、儒家和釋家的哲學詮釋 is different from 基督教. 基督教 answered three basic questions: Who am I? Where I come from? Where I will go? All others couldn't answer these three questions. Can you explain how 道家、儒家和釋家 answer these three questions. That's the root of Chinese bureaucracy and official corruption.
刪除 回複 [2]曾傑  2015-8-19 16:29
3)基督教的3位1體,可以分別對應道家、儒家和釋家的哲學詮釋“方法”或“理解”模式 - 不是簡單的一一對應相關經典條文。
博主回複(2015-8-20 11:19)You're the only one who got the root of my post; at least no other readers showed in writing.

道家、儒家和釋家的哲學詮釋 is different from 基督教. 基督教 answered three basic questions: Who am I? Where I come from? Where I will go? All others couldn't answer these three questions. Can you explain how 道家、儒家和釋家 answer these three questions. That's the root of Chinese bureaucracy and official corruption. Don't you think so?
刪除 回複 [1]曾傑  2015-8-19 10:15


博主回複(2015-8-19 10:45)儒家: “己所不欲,勿施於人”; 基督教: "己所欲,施於人". Both have different perspectives - Your insight is well received - hope we can see more of that 基督教的儒釋道詮釋. Convergence of 基督教的儒釋道詮釋 and 儒家和道家哲學詮釋基督教 needs to find a middle ground to be useful, practically guide the public.
TJKCB 发表评论于
本笑祝你福鼠新年∶ 一帆風順,二龍騰飛,三羊啟泰,四季平安,五福臨門,六六大順,七星高照,八方來財,九九同心,十全十美! 哈哈啊哈∶)
TJKCB 发表评论于
回复 'mzl9876' 的评论 : You go your own destiny; nobody can force anything on you as the world is so much diversified. It's your own calling to Whatever you're called. "唐三藏能把佛家的思想" inherited with its own limitation - 发扬光大 is only your own God's call.
TJKCB 发表评论于
回复 '今留' 的评论 : Thanks for your comment. Can you be more specific? What's 博大精深? How can you help human with 玄理? What's the point with 神秘主义? What's the universal value of 中国文化? In a simple term?
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