【人工合成真正有生物活性的晶体牛胰岛素 --- 最早 是 中国人!】 --- 瞠目结舌否认是无用的! 国际有评判

Synthesis of Crystalline Insulin - China Culture

www.chinaculture.org › ... › Sci-Tech › Modern › Achievements

China was the first in the world to successfully separate and recombine the two chains of natural insulin, the first to obtain crystalline insulin by combining the  ...


“China Achieves World's First Total Synthesis of Crystalline ...

TOTAL synthesis of biologically active protein •—• crys- talline insulin — has been achieved by Chinese scientific workers for the first time in the world, after.

Total Synthesis of Insulin in Red China - Science

www.sciencemag.org › 15 July 1966
by VK Mcelheny - ‎1966 - ‎Cited by 3 - ‎Related articles

Total Synthesis of Insulin in Red China. The first page of the PDF of this article appears below. extract-image. Article Views. Extract; References · Full Text (PDF)  



