
如果心疼孩子,奉劝大家不要学任何marching band里的任何乐器。后悔死了让孩子学长笛。

今天去了一个高中的orientation。得知吹长笛必须参加marching band,日晒雨淋,每天40分钟,每周5天。另外,橄榄球队比赛还得去陪绑。如果不参加marching band,就不能参加青年交响乐团。选长笛,真倒霉。血的教训,大家牢记!


没有双簧管,没有巴松(也是双簧管家族的)。双簧管巴松娇气,声音小,对温度湿度敏感,marching band编制没有她们

Instrumentation: The size and composition of a marching band can vary greatly. Some bands have fewer than twenty members, and some have over 500. American marching bands vary considerably in their instrumentation. Some bands omit some or all woodwinds, but it is not uncommon to see piccolos, flutes, soprano clarinets, alto saxophones, and tenor saxophones. E? clarinets, alto clarinets, bass clarinets, and baritone saxophones are less common, but can be found in some bands. Bassoons and oboes are very seldom found on a field due to the risk of incidental damage, the impracticality of marching with an exposed double reed, and high sensitivity to weather.——来自网络


来源: 2015-09-17 19:46:11 
我们这里的高中Marching Band 每天得练习一个半小时;我儿子是吹Oboe的,在Marching Season得干别的----Drumline,每天到得最早,走得最晚,因为要把那些大家伙乐器推出来,再推回去!别人一个半小时,他得花二个小时!