

梦里是磐石 醒来是沙碛

梦里是炉火 醒来是灰烬

梦里是肌肤 醒来是泥土

梦里是歌声 醒了是石碑


子同 发表评论于
回复 '双儿02155' 的评论 : It's, indeed, a beautiful translation! Thank you very much for these elegant and delightful phrases! Especially, I like the rhyme that you introduced, which has been compromised in my original version.
双儿02155 发表评论于
Dream and Awake

I arise from my dreams
Rock has turned into sand moraine
I arise from my dreams
Fire has burned down with only ashes remain
I arise from my dreams
Smooth flesh has turned into muddy stains
I arise from my dreams
Happy songs left nothing but tombstone ingrain

O I dream the dreams filled with bright
But I arise from my dreams to sleepless night!
