

I am writing this on behalf of the driving force behind this website, my wife Regine, as she is too modest to write about herself.  Asian Garden 2 Table LLC is a small “mom & pop” family business, dedicated to the purpose of purveying information, material goods and services related to the gardening, preparation, and consumption of fresh vegetable based meals.  As you can see from the site, we offer tips on urban/suburban gardening and meal preparation (coming soon) that we hope you find useful.  We also offer items for sale that you don’t normally find in your local gardening market or big box store.  All of the seed we sell is personally tested and verified, and we maintain germination rate records to ensure all the product is fresh.  We are a registered seed dealer & licensed by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (vendor ID:xxxxxxxx).

Regine was born and raised in a small farming village in Guangxi Province, southern China, which is where her initial ability and passion for growing vegetables comes from.  She also did very well in school, and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the Fudan  (复旦) University in Shanghai.  As for myself I also had early experience working with my father Orvil Norman (locally famous in his own right) at his Garden Supply business in New York state.  I went on to become an industrial / product engineer & project manager, traveling the world for many years, gaining an appreciation for the many foods grown and consumed by various cultures.

Regine and I both happened to be working for the same international company when our paths first crossed in 2008, and in 2011 we decided to pursue a life together in America.  While Regine enjoyed the life here in Florida, she always struggled to find the vegetable varieties she was so used to having.  Her longing for fresh food, and her background in farming made it a natural choice for her to begin gardening at home.  We soon found that her skills for growing, combined with our engineering sense for problem solving, resulted in some very productive home gardening.  Her desire to share this information with others led to the development of several YouTube videos, and now this website.

We offer some reasonable priced items for sale so that you can show your appreciation for the advice we provide by making a small purchase, and in return we promise the items you get are what we ourselves use.  We sincerely hope you find the information provided & products offered here useful, and if you do, that you would consider becoming our customer.

Thanks for visiting our site and happy gardening!

teddyeva 发表评论于
rongrongrong 发表评论于
: )
夏天的夏 发表评论于
crystalbean2012 发表评论于
你是一个好女孩。Well deserve your husband's love. 祝福你们!