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我还是想说说小中男, 不是瞎操心,而是想提醒一些父母,我们的孩子(尤其是男孩)在这个国家会面临比我自己年轻的时候更多的压力,尤其是社交方面,因为他们在学校是少数族裔。在高中的时候,他们又处于自尊心最强,也是最敏感的时候,所以除了学习好,社交,言谈举止,衣着品味,体育,文艺活动也很重要。学习成绩好只是一个方面,他们需要被认同,被接纳,回想咱们年轻的时候,我们不是同样很渴望得到同龄人(尤其是异性)的认可吗?


男孩A,聪明,学习用功,成绩优异。在推爸,推妈的培养下,得了大奖,大学是父母替他选的,专业也是他父母选的。最后进了名校。大二的时候,忧郁了,只好回家来。据说在大学的成绩不是A 就是 B, 但是就是不想再上学了。拒绝见医生,也不跟任何人交流,每天关在自己房间里。这样的状况差不多两年后,有所好转,但是原来的学校再也不想回去,就转到本地州大,换专业。父母现在的要求就是顺利毕业,有一份简单工作,自食其力。我们都在分析,很可能是在学校社交出问题,也很可能是原来的专业他根本不感兴趣。

男孩B, 同样聪明,尤其数学好。被排名前十的一所学校录取,专业也是他自己喜欢的,按理说,一切都很好了。但是,就是不愿意跟人交往,不管男孩,还是女孩。每天都躲在实验室做实验,成绩好,没有业余爱好,唯一的爱好就是玩游戏。到大四了,不想找工作,只好接着读书。眼看着PHD就要拿到了,还是不想找工作,更别说找女朋友了。自己一个住,每天除了实验室就是宿舍。父母很着急,可是没办法。这个男孩个子很高,长得也不错,就是总是木着一张脸,很难看到他的喜怒哀乐。







florence001 发表评论于
对这不懂音乐五音不全却逼着孩子弹琴的父母反感之极。 小中男长不到5尺10(1。78mm) , this is average high for man in America. if abc boys can not reach this hight, you can not get into college team in almost any sports . play chess , piano ,violin , do math, it will not make your boys any taller. only weaker and shorter.
florence001 发表评论于
iamhereforfun2 发表评论于 2015-09-19 21:12:32

florence001, while I agree sports is very important to kids and adults, I disagree that music "do not make abc boys into man. may be opposite". This opinion is too extreme and mechanic. As far as I know, most Americans love playing sports and playing music. I can even name great athelets doing great in sports and having music skills. Why can't we let kids playing sport and having music hobby if they like it ? Your view goes to another extreme end.

I talked about abc boys . most of them can not do well in sports and music the same time. they give up sports . most abc boys do not inherit the sports genes from their father and mother.

the kids can reach the level that he can get into college team. this is the sports I talk about . he can call himself an athlete.
爱吃肉的胖子 发表评论于
iamhereforfun2 发表评论于
florence001, while I agree sports is very important to kids and adults, I disagree that music "do not make abc boys into man. may be opposite". This opinion is too extreme and mechanic. As far as I know, most Americans love playing sports and playing music. I can even name great athelets doing great in sports and having music skills. Why can't we let kids playing sport and having music hobby if they like it ? Your view goes to another extreme end.
florence001 发表评论于
why sports? because sports boost a person 's 体能,荷尔蒙水平,这直接影响到一个人的进取心, sense of happiness. when person doing sports , his brain release the happiness chemical . this is scientific fact , not a fiction. 相反,不玩体育的人体能,贺而蒙水平低,low muscle tone, not coordinate . these type of men are not attractive to women, 自身幸富感低,closer to depression. no matter how many awards he got , he can not be a good choice for future boyfriend or husband.
florence001 发表评论于
你的观查和提出的问题都很好。 不欣赏小龙少,龙女的名号。俗霉了。
abc 男 想要立足美国,勇感,自信推 体育是唯一。 别再弹琴拉琴奥数下棋。those stuff do not make abc boys into man. may be opposite : ......

helloworld1000 发表评论于
that is why I never plan to push my sons, when they say they want to be a truck drivers in the future, I say that is fine. I really hate some of the parents push their children to do lots of thing they want them to do, not what the children want to do.
十全老人 发表评论于