No being can dissolve to nothing! 没有物质能化为乌有!
The eternal continues on in everything, 永恒持续存在于万物,
Let ‘being’ sustain your happiness! 你要把握万物中的幸福!
Being is eternal: because laws 物质是永恒的,
Preserve the living treasures, 自然定律守护着生命宝藏,
With which the cosmos adorns itself. 它们将宇宙美丽扮装。
The truth has long ago been found, 真相早已被发现,
Has always united nobel spirits; 它总与高贵的精神相伴,
This ancient truth, get hold of it! 要掌握这万古真相!
Give thanks, earth-being, to the sage, 凡人们,感谢真相的发现圣者吧,
Who pointed her to orbit the sun, 是他发现了地球绕太阳运行,
And bade the sibling its course. 地球的姐妹们有各自的轨道。
Immediately now turn inward, 首先让我们把自己审视,
The center you find right inside there, 每人心里也有一个中心,
No noble soul would doubt that. 有良知的人毫不怀疑。
You will not miss a single rule, 这里有你遵守的全部法则,
Because autonomous conscience, 自我约束的良心,
Is sun to your moral-day. 一如太阳照亮人格。
Now you have to trust the senses, 其次你必须信赖自己的直觉,
they will not fail you with error, 因为它从不将你误导,
As long as reason keep you awake. 只要你保持清醒头脑。
With a fresh gaze perceive joyfully, 明亮快乐的眼光观察,
and stroll with confidence and lithe, 信心满怀兴致勃勃,
Across meadows of rich-edowered world. 在生机盎然的沃土上穿行。
Blessings and plenty savour in moderation, 享受要有节制,
Common sense should always be present, 让常识总伴你左右,
Where life enjoys being-alive. 享受生命中活着的快乐。
Then the past is steady, 过去的能继续,
The future alive already, 将来的能预见,
The moment is eternity. 瞬间的能永恒。
And when, at long last, you have succeeded, 最后你终于成功,
And you are permeated by the notion: 至此已深信不疑:
What is fertile, alone is true – 唯有劳动所获为真实成果。
You examine what generally prevails, 你把成功的经验总结,
It will abide by its own connections, 它们都有一定之规,
Go and join the smallest crowd. 你要与修得真经的人为伍。
And as it was since ancient time, in stillness, 自古以来哲学家和诗人,
A work of love according to own will 独自一人,随心所欲地
The philosopher, the poet did create, 创作出自己心爱的作品。
You too will attain the fairest grace: 而你也将获得最伟大的恩典:
To pre-feel for nobel souls 成为预感高尚人的先知,
Is most-desirable vocation. 这是最令人渴慕的使命。
大文豪兼思想家科学家歌德的这首诗翻译起来对我来说有些难度,看第一个英文版本比较费解,只好又找了另外五个英文版本参考,才大致全面了解了诗的主题和各段的思想以及每段的准确意思和上下关系。 之后又看了两个中文版翻译感觉有些明显的翻译错误可能是对某句话的理解有误有些句子翻译完全看不懂或满拧。