Nick Woodman 出生于1975年, the founder and CEO of GoPro. 他1997年毕业于University of California, San Diego, 获 B.A. degree in visual arts and a minor in creative writing. 毕业后先后成立过两个公司均失败,但这两次的经历最后让他成功地创办了 GoPro(经营一种新型相机),这也让他成为亿万富翁。2014年,他们夫妇捐出了$500 millions,是当年硅谷最大一笔捐款。
2013年 副总统 joe biden 在Upenn 毕业典礼讲演中提到了中国,好像还引起了一点儿争议,我还是很赞同:
China’s a great nation, and we should hope for the continued expansion, but ladies and gentlemen, their problems are immense, and they lack much of what we have.
We have the best universities in the world, we have a legal system that is open and fair, we have the most agile venture capitalists in the world, we lead the world in innovation and technology, all for a simple basic reason. Steve Jobs, speaking at Stanford, was asked by a young man “how can I be more like you? How can I become like you?” Steve Jobs famously answered “think different.” You cannot think different in a nation where you cannot breathe free. You cannot think different in a nation where you aren’t able to challenge orthodoxy, because change only comes from challenging orthodoxy.
我们的教育,是不是就应该象上面所属述 :知识, 创新,挑战权威,另类思考。
fengxiang 发表评论于
回复 'usinca' 的评论 :
谢谢。 我也特赞同他那段话。
usinca 发表评论于
Joe Biden 那段话非常深刻。
fengxiang 发表评论于
回复 'florence001' 的评论 :
谢谢美女指正。 如果说大男人,好像不如大男孩好听。
fengxiang 发表评论于
回复 'tsks' 的评论 :
我到佩服那些创业者。 我觉得中国人自古就" 重文轻商".
fengxiang 发表评论于
回复 '冯-比格利施上校' 的评论 :
我丝毫没有贬低尹希。他很优秀。我佩服科学家,我也佩服那些坐企业的人,社会需要这些人。倒是你我觉得对CEO founder们有偏见。 nick woodman 一开始时是一个人,现在他的公司有800多人。这些founder们社会的贡献之一就是为社会创造了就业机会。