Ho do you re-charge your batteries?

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Q. How do you re-charge your batteries? You seem to always be traveling, preaching, writing, talking with the media. Even Jesus went away to be alone, to pray, to listen.

A. I take the first half hour of almost every day to read my Bible, pray, meditate, thank God. And to really search my heart, too: "God, am I on the right path?" I try to start every morning: "God, am I making good decisions? Am I doing what you want me to do?" I find that, if I start that day, get refreshed, re-energized, I can go in there tired and leave after 30 minutes ready for the day. I’m also good at staying balanced. I work out. I take time for my family. I speak about 40 weeks in the year. That’s 12 weekends that I’m not having to prepare a message. Preparing for me –that takes my whole week. You’re better when you’re balanced.

Joel Osteen talks about hope, success, Elevation Church

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Marc Bee ·
What a mess he is... may God have mercy upon his soul...
Rick Davis ·
What is so unusual about a 'lost' America embacing a 'lost' Evangelist with a message that 'tickles' their ears?
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Stephen Smith ·
1. If the prosperity gospel is true, Jesus wasn’t righteous.
Jesus was poor. You would expect the most righteous and sinless man in the world to have all the material prosperity in the world right? But he didn’t. Jesus was born to poor parents (Luke 2:24), had no place to lay his head (Luke 9:58), and was buried in a borrowed tomb (Luke 23:50-53)
2. Paul was a poor man.
Paul was a great Apostle who planted churches and served God faithfully. Yet Paul lived in poverty rather than material prosperity. “To the present hour we hunger an
...See More
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Robert Randolph ·
He's a motivational speaker nothing more.His congregation are people who want their ears tickled by what he says,and the content of his preaching and books is directed at desparate people. That is why he is a mega star and mega millionaire.And I am going easy on him here.
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Bill Henry ·
Works at Self-Employed
Olsteen is a self serving liar who lives in a MANSION built by the offerings of his foolish followers!! Remember when he and his family were removed from their FIRST CLASS seat on a plane in Houston over a dispute over a "dirty pull down tray!" Come on Joel why don't you take the challenge from author Thomas Cole (GOD WHO?) to debate certain facts in the Bible?? We all know why, because you would lose in just a matter of minutes to a man who does know the entire Bible and knows more about your "God"! Any followers of this man need to start being so simple minded and start using the part of your brain that questions!!
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Paula Lindsay
Joel Osteen is an apostate! He is leading throngs of people into Hell and never talks about the consequences of sin or the blood of Christ, just for starters! Google he and his family's house and see what that looks like, too! Worth millions thanks to good decieved Christians while he is trying to denounce greed and prosperity! People, be very careful who you listen to! This is a wolf in sheep's clothing!
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Yoel Rizo-Patron ·
Works at Self-Employed
no salary , straight commission lolol ............or worst= straight profits as business owner.
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Yoel Rizo-Patron ·
Works at Self-Employed
16000 sqft. Clowns. their followers are as much in idolatry of materialism as them, thinking following them they are becoming as "blessed$$" as them. Their teaching is so opposite of the ones from the writings of the Apostles in the Epistles, is scary opposite. Narcisim to the core. Shame on their followers that enable these clowns. They deserved each other.
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Bribri Brinklemeyer ·
Prosperity Ministries: God sat out the Holocaust, so do you really think He's going to lift a finger to get you a new Lexus?
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Michelle Macaroni ·
Sad excuse for a preacher of the Gospel