排毒蔬果汁 9天瘦10斤

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9日瘦10斤的排毒果蔬汁(Green smoothies) - 美食家 - 美食天下 (链接)

之前用这种健康的排毒果蔬汁代餐,9天瘦了10斤,棒极了!现在还时不时会喝,健康营养,一次打3杯的量,我和家人都喝,能量满满的呐~ 因为之前问的人也很多,接下来为你分享下9天的准备食材和注意事项:
1. 9日果蔬排毒汁中只能包含三种材料:绿色蔬菜 + 水果 + 水,请千万千万不要加入其他任何不是绿叶的蔬菜,如胡萝卜,红薯等;
2. 尽量购买深绿色的绿色蔬菜: 它们提供叶绿素和其他营养物质,颜色越深,营养程度越高;
3. 能购买到有机蔬菜的话当然最好!但是如果买不到或者又觉得太贵的话,可以用以下方法清洗蔬菜:清水或者是加入10%白醋的清水浸泡10-20分钟, 然后清洗,这样可以有效去除表面的化学物质。大家可以放心,我自己也百度过,查过很多资料,食谱中的蔬菜都是可以生吃的,而且非常健康;
4. 9日内不能食用的食物有(非常重要!):米面,奶制品,糖类,酒精,咖啡,碳酸饮料,加工或者炒制的食物;
5. 如果有需要再加上键身的帅哥美眉,可能会需要更多的蛋白来保持身体能量: 比如我,那你可以加入蛋白粉,当然要注意一定是纯植物蛋白,不能包含乳清蛋白;
6. 早起后喝三小碗水,这样可以清除肝脏和肾的垃圾: 喝的方式是:先喝一碗水,加入2勺海盐, 之后再大口喝下两碗水,一杯水大约为250ml。并且要保证每天喝至少6杯水 (~1500ml), 这对于这九天排毒计划是非常重要的, 液体环境下身体可以更加有效的运作,加速新城代谢,排除毒素;
7. 每天或者每隔一天称一次体重:或者量下自己的腰围:你也可以选择在我的博文下留言,大家一起来分享和互相激励!还有就是如果体重有明显变化,也别忘给你自己买个漂亮的衣服什么的小小奖励下自己,要多爱自己一些!!
8. 蔬菜要变换着加入:因为绿色蔬菜中含有植物碱基,如果每天都食用同一种,之后很可能导致身体中含有相同的植物碱基导致出现病症。所以你可以选择前一个星期买菠菜,后个星期买卷心菜或是生菜,或将它们混合加入;
9. 用的水果要熟的:由于熟的水果中含有更多的酶类物质,可以更好的加速你的新陈代谢,如果你买的水果不是很熟,可以先放放,直到熟透之后再在加入搅拌机;
10. 如果你是糖尿病患者的话要注意使用低糖的水果: 如苹果,葡萄柚,柠檬,草莓,蓝莓等等,中糖的水果有:桃子,橙子,梨,李子,高糖的水果有:瓜类,猕猴桃,芒果,木瓜,菠萝,香蕉,葡萄等;
11. 千万不要挨饿!果蔬汁减肥计划绝对不是节食计划,我也体验过节食的痛苦,这种做法既对身体不好,也对减肥不利,还很可能导致之后暴饮暴食,那饿的话可以怎么办呢?还记得我们所说的零食么,饿的时候就喝果蔬汁或者吃我们之前提到的零食(注:水果,白煮蛋,不放油、加一点盐的沙拉等);
12. 不要过食水果:是的,水果非常健康,但是过度食用会增加你的血糖含量,造成头痛等症状,所以可以每天选择一种新的水果,或者几种水果混合搅拌。
13. 如果是身体比较弱的女生,害怕影响生理期的话,可以将其中的水换为温水,但就是要尽快食用,不然味道会很受影响~
1. 2杯水 + 3杯(3把)洗净去根茎菠菜叶 + 1个大苹果切丁 + 2杯草莓或者蓝莓或混合 + 1杯半芒果切丁+ 2大勺匙亚麻籽粉
2. 2杯水 + 2杯(2把)洗净去根茎菠菜叶 + 1杯(1把)生菜 + 1杯半草莓 + 1根去皮香蕉 + 2个大苹果切丁 + 2大勺匙亚麻籽粉
3. 2杯水 + 3杯(3把)洗净去根茎菠菜叶 + 1杯半蓝莓(可以用草莓代替)+ 1根去皮香蕉 + 1个大苹果切丁 + 2大勺匙亚麻籽粉
4. 2杯水 + 2杯(2把)洗净切好的卷心菜 + 1杯(1把)洗净去根茎菠菜叶 + 2个大苹果切丁 + 1杯半蓝莓(可以用草莓代替)+ 1杯半草莓 + 2大勺匙亚麻籽粉
5. 2杯水 + 3杯(3把)洗净切好的卷心菜 + 2个大苹果切丁 + 1小串去籽葡萄 + 1杯半蓝莓(可以用草莓代替)+ 2大勺匙亚麻籽粉
6.  2杯水 + 2杯(2把)洗净去根茎菠菜叶 + 1杯菠萝切丁 + 2杯草莓切丁 + 2根去皮香蕉+2大勺匙亚麻籽粉
7.  2杯水+2杯(2把)洗净去根茎菠菜叶+1杯(1把)生菜+1杯(1把)芹菜+1个大苹果切丁+1杯菠萝切丁+1杯芒果切丁+1根去皮香蕉+1杯草莓或蓝莓+2大勺匙亚麻籽粉
8. 2杯水+2杯(2把)洗净去根茎菠菜叶+2杯(2把)包心菜+1个大苹果切丁+1杯半蓝莓+1根去皮香蕉+1杯草莓或蓝莓+2大勺匙亚麻籽粉
9. 2杯水+3杯(3把)洗净去根茎菠菜叶+1个大苹果切丁+2杯草莓或者蓝莓或混合 1杯半芒果切丁+2大勺匙亚麻籽粉


添加顺序为:水+绿叶蔬菜+水果+亚麻籽粉 (注:加亚麻籽,高速搅拌机直接打成粉)


Mike Adams (The Health Ranger) - Detox from Heavy Metals with These Foods Powerful Anticancer & Detoxifying Foods 


Mike: I've done extensive research on what's called the metals capturing capacity, up to five different types of foods. I call it the MCC. Where I test using a synthetic gastric acid digestion simulator that I built in the lab. I test foods versus contaminants.

And I find out how much of the contaminant gets bound to the food. And thereby carried out of your digestive tract as insoluble fiber rather than being absorbed through your intestinal walls and going into your blood.

This is a key concept to understand to answer your question.

Processed foods have very low capturing capacity. Because the fibers are typically processed out of them. They're also structurally compromised through processing. They're denatured –

Ty: Right, which makes them into un-food.

Mike: Un-food. So if you eat, let's say, a processed food or beverage that is contaminated with let's say 10ppm of mercury, you are likely to absorb the vast majority of that mercury through your intestinal walls that goes into your blood. Or it could be radioactive caesium 137.

Mercury, caesium, lead, cadmium.

Ty: Whatever it might be.

Mike: Right. But if you are eating a diet of unprocessed, fresh foods, this is a whole, plant-based diet, doesn't have to be 100% plants, we have found that natural plants, fresh produce, such as strawberries have very high natural metals capturing capacity. They're able to bind with the metals, mostly through physical processes of absorption and adsorption as well.

Some foods have selective ionic affinity to specific metals such as lead.

Ty: Which means they –

Mike: They have a chemical reaction that binds up the metal. It's chemistry taking place in the acidic environment of your stomach, typically, with your own gastric acid.

So strawberries, for example, this is something that I researched and am still working on the scientific paper to put out there. But strawberries will bind with over 90% of your dietary mercury. Strawberries!

Now the reason this is the case is because strawberries are the only common fruit that have seeds on the outside of the fruit. The seeds, being on the outside, how are they grown? How are they produced by the strawberry?

Well there are strands, fibers, that send nutrients to the seeds from the center of the strawberry. The center is where it gets is nutrition and distributes it through the fibers to the seeds. These fibers which are practically transparent under a microscope happen to be very, very tough fibers. They will not be digested by nitric acid in the laboratory.

Ty: Wow!

Mike: I can take strawberries, I can mix nitric acid, we're talking like 70% nitric acid, very strong oxidizer that would burn the skin right off your hand, it will not digest the fibers in the strawberry. The fibers survive human digestion, which is far weaker than nitric acid digestion. I mean, orders of magnitude.

The strawberries will then bind to the dietary mercury with these fibers and that gets pushed out of your system through bowel movements. The mercury is gone. It's out. Never gets pulled into your blood stream through intestinal walls.

So many different types of fruits and vegetables have very interesting affinities to heavy metals. This is what our research has really uncovered. The only thing we found better than strawberries by the way is chlorella, which is about 98-99% efficacy. But chlorella doesn't work for other things such as uranium. Chlorella doesn’t absorb much uranium. Spirulina does. But not strawberries.

So one of the things that I've done in the lab, whether it's radioactive elements such as caesium 137, or customary heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, things that cause cancer – arsenic is linked to cancer right?

Oh and by the way, you know what tends to absorb arsenic? Fruit seeds.

Ty: Fruit seeds?

Mike: Fruit seeds. Which is why some fruit seeds contain arsenic naturally. There's arsenic in apple seeds. Remember that scare. Because the apple trees tend to take up arsenic in the soil, which came from the lead arsenate pestidicdes that we already talked about. They tend to concentrate in the seeds, because the seeds have a natural affinity to arsenic.

But if you can get apple seeds, grape seeds, raspberry seeds, blueberry seeds – believe it or not, we've tested all these things – if you can get your hands on these seeds, which by the way are removed from almost all the foods that are sold in the grocery store.

If you buy grape jam, you don't want seeds in it. If you buy blueberry jelly, you don't want blueberry seeds in it.

Ty: And that's where all the good stuff is.

Mike: Its the seeds that bind with the dietary arsenic and transport it out of your body. Yeah, I haven’t released that information yet. You're the first person to have this conversation.


Protect your child

Posted on November 5, 2015 by Bradford S. Weeks, MD | 0 Comments
Dr. Weeks’ Comment: Ten years ago a scientist who studied cell phones and their effect on biological systems told me something that shocked me and was unforgettable. I will share this now with you as I have with my children and loved ones. He looked me in the eye and said:  “Dr. Weeks, knowing what I know about how dangerous there cell phones are, I would rather give my child a running chainsaw to play with than a cell phone.”   Scientists have told us (this of us who would listen) that it take 10 years for daily cell phone usage before the brain cancer develops. Ten years. I can tell you now that the tsunami if brain cancer incidence is just now becoming evident. The doubters (often paid by industry) persist  but look around. Here is a 36 year old young mother with brain cancer, here is a 26 year old athlete with brain cancer, here and a 33 year old young lady with brain cancer and here is a 1 month old neonate with brain cancer (whose mother watched movies from her mobile device resting on her belly (uterus!) for her entire pregnancy.

You were warned – albeit quietly.  The user’s manual of your mobile device told you!

See Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy from iPhone

iPhone transmits and receives radio frequency (RF) energy through its antennas. The iPhone cellular antenna is located at the bottom edge of iPhone, to the left of the Home button. The Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® antenna is located at the top edge of iPhone, to the right of the headset jack…….  When carrying iPhone, keep it 1.5 cm (5/8 inch) or more away from your body to ensure exposure levels remain at or below the maximum levels. Avoid cases with metal parts. SOURCE  http://manuals.info.apple.com/en_US/iphone_4_important_product_information_guide.pdf

癌症的真相 (2)
纪录片《梁思成 林徽因》
自传《潘虹独语》 电影《人到中年》
一代宗师《玄奘大师》 真实的唐僧“西游记”
斯琴高娃 中野良子 李纯 中泉英雄:《不肯去观音》
Trampoline 发表评论于
回复 '宛然' 的评论 :
宛然 发表评论于
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回复 'Zozo' 的评论 :
Zozo 发表评论于
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回复 '中关园' 的评论 :
While the use of mercury-free fillings, such as tooth-colored composite resins and ceramics, are becoming more prevalent and better performing, approximately 46% dentists in the United States still use mercury-containing dental amalgam. Since the Civil War, mercury-containing fillings (often called “silver” or “amalgam”) continue to be used extensively to fill dental cavities. A 2006 poll of 2,590 US adults found that 72% of respondents were not aware that mercury was a main component of dental amalgam, and 92% of respondents would prefer to be told about mercury in dental amalgam before receiving it as a filling. This could be compared to being given a drug today by a pharmacy without the mandated FDA prescribing information (contents, possible side effects, etc.). Unfortunately, many dentists continue to place mercury-containing fillings, with many patients remaining uninformed of its mercury content.
Trampoline 发表评论于
回复 '中关园' 的评论 :
Another article
Dental amalgam controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia ? wiki ? Dental_amalgam_con...
Scientists agree that dental amalgam fillings release elemental mercury vapor, but studies .... occasions that "if a dentist wants to remove your fillings because they contain mercury, watch your wallet." ...
Trampoline 发表评论于
回复 '中关园' 的评论 :
Toxic Teeth: Are Amalgam Fillings Safe? | The Dr. Oz Show
DoctorOz.com ? article ? toxic-teeth-are-...
Mar 27, 2013 - Amazingly, 72% of those surveyed in the US did not know that silver fillings contain mercury and when ...

Please check this out. It's dated 2013, fairly recent!
中关园 发表评论于
你在美國看過牙嗎?都什麼年代了,誰還用含水銀的材料補牙。汞 是劇毒,還沒說是致癌。有點常識好嗎
Trampoline 发表评论于
Why Detoxification is Critical for the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer
Trampoline 发表评论于
回复 '浮华过去' 的评论 :
现代社会,我们在生活中接触到的毒素种类繁多。举个例子,补牙。据专家讲,一般是用含水银的材料,而水银是致癌物。每天用的iPhone 也有辐射。更不用说,作为身体最大器官的皮肤,每天都要接触不少化工产品,牙膏,香波,洗浴液,洗碗液,化妆品
最近,在Amazon买了一本书 The Complete Cancer Cleanse, 预防为主。
浮华过去 发表评论于

Trampoline 发表评论于
Costco 冷冻柜 有打好的蔬菜汁,一套三瓶。非有机,不贵方便,值得一试。
Trampoline 发表评论于
回复 'beijing1955' 的评论 :
奇怪的是,基本没感到饿,每天只完成6瓶中的5瓶,留下最喜欢的coconut smoothie做早餐甜点。因为水果、红甜菜比例较高,绿菜汁只占三分之一,效果一般,减重4磅,腰围3厘米。
beijing1955 发表评论于
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回复 'Blue.Crab' 的评论 :
Blue.Crab 发表评论于
9天瘦10斤! 再过几天,你将不复存在? 排毒蔬果汁能"为民除害"?