有爱相伴的日子 20151119 Good sex

ETA about 5:50. If that works.



Do you trust me?Yes!烛光、音乐、一盘切好的苹果,丝巾蒙上眼睛,苹果在身体上滑过,凉凉的,随后滑过的亲吻暖暖的。缠绵反复,无绝无休。

Text me when you are ready.


Wow! I love it! Don't take it off too soon! You are so sexy! 他手、唇继续游走......

昨天他说他喜欢慢慢的,所以今天他说我给了他最好的一次!Till both of us can't stand any longer. 他拿来浴巾铺好,我先他后,九点半。In many different ways, you are getting better and better! 聊了一会儿,美美睡了一小时!

20151102:Email to him.

October flew!

The pictures took at the lake;
The sore from the boot camp;
The relaxation from the very first bubble bath;
The ring from the surprise plan;
The improvement of shooting sticks;
The Malbec, seafood and the waitress's staring;
The warm blanket;
The silly movie;
The short visit;
The walks and laughter;
The cuddling and chatting...
Thank you for all these! ????
