十岁的哥哥给校报写的关于感恩节的小文章. 还配了插图

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十岁的哥哥给校报写的关于感恩节的小文章.  还配了插图.  大家乐一乐吧.

Thanksgiving: Chinese-American Style

The way Chinese-Americans celebrate Thanksgiving can be very different from eating mashed potatoes and turkey while watching NFL football games.That’s because the Chinese-American culture adds its own flavors to this holiday. As a Chinese-American, my mom usually makes dumplings. Dumplings are kind of like pierogies but instead of having cheese and potatoes as the filling wrapped in the dough, we like meat and vegetables as the filling. We also have hotpots. You probably haven’t heard of such thing and you are probably asking yourself “Did you say hot pockets?” I’d better explain: it’s where a bowl of boiling water sits in the middle of the table and you put raw meat, lettuce, fish balls and other things in it and watch it cook and then eat it.

Just last Thanksgiving, I asked my mom, “Why don’t we have turkey this Thanksgiving?” It was the first time I was willing to try American style Thanksgiving. So that Thanksgiving we went to my friend’s house for a party. It was time to eat and my mom had the turkey ready. As soon as I took a bite I almost barfed. My taste buds almost rotted off my tongue! Either my mom is horrible at making turkey, or turkey is just not the thing to eat on Thanksgiving for Chinese-Americans. So from that day on, I stuck to dumplings and hotpots for the sake of my taste buds.

    But no matter what you eat on Thanksgiving, turkey or dumplings, hotpots or hot pockets, Thanksgiving is a great holiday to get together with family and friends and be thankful for what you have.

MaMaGaGa 发表评论于
回树荫 应该是饮料吧????
树荫满地 发表评论于
MaMaGaGa 发表评论于
回复 'xiaofengjiayuan' 的评论 : 都是大实话.
MaMaGaGa 发表评论于
回复 '波城冬日' 的评论 :喜欢就好. 分享也是快乐.
波城冬日 发表评论于
Very nice! thanks for sharing!
xiaofengjiayuan 发表评论于
great writing, true as well :)