猪小排 280-300克(Pork Spare Ribs 280—300g)
生姜丝15克(Shredded ginger 15g)
豆豉 1汤匙(Fermented black beans 1tbsp)
鱼露1/2茶匙(Fish sauce ½ tsp)
糖1/2茶匙(Sugar ½ tsp)
盐1/4茶匙(Salt ¼ tsp)
米酒1茶匙(Rice wine 1tsp)
生粉 4汤匙(Cornstarch 4 tbsp)
菜油 1汤匙(Vegetable oil 1 tbsp )
鲜辣椒1个(Fresh hot pepper)
1、猪小排 280-300克 让店员帮你切成细条, 然后我们切成小块。
3、同时,准备腌制的调味材料--生姜丝15克(Shredded ginger 15g)豆豉 1汤匙(Fermented black beans 1tbsp)鱼露1/2茶匙(Fish sauce ½ tsp)糖1/2茶匙(Sugar ½ tsp)盐1/4茶匙(Salt ¼ tsp)米酒1茶匙(Rice wine 1tsp)生粉 1汤匙(Cornstarch 1 tbsp)。其中先把豆豉,用水清洗一下 沥干,再和其他调味料一起备用。
4、把排骨从水里捞出 沥干水分,放到一个碗里,加入上面提到所有调味料,抓匀,腌制1个小时 或更长的时间也没有关系。
5、腌好后,把排骨单独取出来放在一个干净的碗里,留下生姜丝和豆豉 以及碗里少量的汤汁。
8、最好把装排骨的盘子放到竹蒸笼里,没有的话可以直接放到蒸锅中。蒸的时候,先把锅里水烧开,放入排骨 用中火蒸15分钟。不要开大火。判断排骨熟了没有:当你看到排骨的肉离开骨头,就说明可以了。
出锅时,撒一点葱花 点缀,这道排骨的味道一点也不比餐馆里的差,你也试试吧。
Today we will be making a classic cantonese dim sum dish
Prepare 280 to 300 grams of pork spare ribs, ask your butcher to slice them into thin pieces, and we will chop them up into bite size chunks
Wash it in clean with some water and soak it for 1 hour, change the water a few times throughout until the spare ribs turn white in colour, this process will get rid of the blood taste in the meat
Now we will prepare the marinating seasoning,---生姜丝15克(Shredded ginger 15g)豆豉 1汤匙(Fermented black beans 1tbsp--wash clean)鱼露1/2茶匙(Fish sauce ½ tsp)糖1/2茶匙(Sugar ½ tsp)盐1/4茶匙(Salt ¼ tsp)米酒1茶匙(Rice wine 1tsp)生粉 1汤匙(Cornstarch 1 tbsp).
Strain the spare ribs and place them into a bowl, add in the marinating seasoning, mix well and let it sit for 1 hour or even longer
After marinating take the spareribs out and place them into a clean bowl leaving behind the ginger and the fermented black bean
Add to the spare rib with 3 tablespoon of corn starch and combine to coat
Take out a medium size plate and place the ginger at the bottom then place the spare ribs on top, try not to overlap. this will allow some air circulation during the cooking process and keep the spare ribs tender and soft, drizzle on 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and top with some fresh red pepper
Add some water into a steamer and add the plate of spare ribs in when the water has come to a boil, steam on medium heat for 15 minutes and you'll know when its ready when the meat starts to fall off the bone.
Decorate with some scallion bits and we are finished
I guarantee that this dish will taste just as good as the ones in the restaurant, why don't you give it a try yourself