今天是圣诞节,我们开车去了海边去看日落。海边沙滩上真是海风习习,白沙柔软,在日落前的一刻踏上去,沙子还是软软的。那一刻,正值夕阳西下,天空彩霞片 片。日落的余辉把海水染成了金黄色。当金色的海水和金色的晚霞遥相呼应,在人们的眼前出现了一幅美丽的海上落日图画。
The Gold Sunset
The golden sea its mirror spreads
Beneath the golden skies,
And but a narrow strip between
Of earth and shadow lies.
The cloud-like cliffs, the cliff-like clouds,
Dissolved in glory float,
And midway of the radiant floods
Hangs silently the boat.
The sea is but another sky,
The sky a sea as well,
And which is earth and which the heavens
The eye can scarcely tell.
So when for me life's latest hour
Soft passes to its end,
May glory born of earth and heaven
The earth and heaven blend;
Flooded with light the spirit float,
With silent rapture glow,
Till where earth ends and heaven begins,
The soul shall scarcely know.