

假设两种情况:第一是本研连读,共八年,第二是只读本科。 读的都是华人刻意追求的一流私立,学费生活费每年62500刀。

括弧里的数字为年龄,假设十九岁开始读大学。C代表College, G代表研究生,P代表毕业后。

结论是, 如果什么专业都不读,把费用省下来用心投资,按照每年10%的return,本研连读的孩子在29岁生日前就是百万富翁/婆 , 而只读本科的孩子在35岁生日前也会成为百万富翁/婆。从此,每年提出十万生活,不用起早贪黑,早九晚五,直到永远。


本研连读 $62,500.00   只读本科 $62,500.00
C1(19) $62,500.00   C1(19) $62,500.00
C2(20) $137,500.00   C2(20) $137,500.00
C3(21) $220,000.00   C3(21) $220,000.00
C4(22) $310,750.00   C4(22) $310,750.00
G1(23) $410,575.00   P1(23) $341,825.00
G2(24) $520,382.50   P2(24) $376,007.50
G3(25) $641,170.75   P3(25) $413,608.25
G4(26) $774,037.83   P4(26) $454,969.08
P1(27) $851,441.61   P5(27) $500,465.98
P2(28) $936,585.77   P6(28) $550,512.58
P3(29) $1,030,244.35   P7(29) $605,563.84
P4(30) $1,133,268.78   P8(30) $666,120.22
P5(31) $1,246,595.66   P9(31) $732,732.24
P6(32) $1,371,255.22   P10(32) $806,005.47
P7(33) $1,508,380.75   P11(33) $886,606.02
P8(34) $1,659,218.82   P12(34) $975,266.62
P9(35) $1,825,140.70   P13(35) $1,072,793.28
P10(36) $2,007,654.77   P14(36) $1,180,072.61
只录 发表评论于
大学还是要读,那是一种生活经历,有的时候 experience on the right timing 比钱价值大。跟着楼主一起娱乐。????
时传祥 发表评论于
回复 'nasdaq100' 的评论 :
I would love to see the data. Could you please provide a link? Thanks.
nasdaq100 发表评论于
In the past 90 years, The long term return for real estate in the USA is much lower than stock market return. This is a simple fact that you should be aware of.
时传祥 发表评论于
回复 'nasdaq100' 的评论 :

Maybe the case for the fund managers. For real estate investing, however, it may not be that hard.
nasdaq100 发表评论于

--- If you can keep 10% consistently, you are top 1% among all fund managers.