Hong Kong Chinese Call For Obama Redline

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Three former Chinese political prisoners wrote in the WSJ (9/30/2014) that the "White House must issue a clear warning to Beijing" concerning their violating Hong Kong's Basic Law and self rule. This violation has led to hundreds of thousands of students demonstrating in Hong Kong's financial district. Some, including these three Chinese, fear this could result in another Tiananmen massacre of June 4, 1989 if the People's Liberation Army is called in to break up the demonstration. They concluded their article by stating, "Only a clear, unambiguous warning from the U.S. will cause either of those countries (Russia and the PRC) to carefully consider the costs of new violent acts of repression. Hong Kong and Ukraine are calling for the rebirth of American global leadership for freedom and democracy." In essence, they are calling for another of Obama's famous "Red Lines" and sanctions. Just what would Obama's "clear warning" to Beijing consist of?

First of all, Obama would make it perfectly clear that "there will be no boots on the ground - period." Thank God. How about the Taiwanese army acting similar to the Syrian Free Army? How about the "Moderate Tibetans"? Next, would be sanctions on the PRC such as not allowing Wal-Mart to buy anymore stuff from China, Apple no longer being allowed to manufacture any of their smart phones, computers, etc. in China and the real killer, the U.S. would stop borrowing money from China. We can hear the PRC's leaders in Beijing's  trembling now just as sanctions have really stopped Putin's aggression.

It appears these Chinese writers had been in prison on another planet too long and are not familiar with Obama's non-leadership style. As a result their best strategy would be to call for the assistance of the "Tank Man" - not Obama. Otherwise they are spitting in the wind. Finally, it is a shame the WSJ cut another tree down to print their call for "a rebirth of American global leadership"  which with Obama in the White House is a non-event.
