China Climate Deal & Krupp Krap

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The WSJ reported that Obama's climate deal with China while in Beijing was " months in the making" and orchestrated by his mental midgets (reported as "midlevel bureaucrats") in the White House (11/13/2014). The U.S. through the President's lapdog EPA will continue to invent new regulations to cut greenhouse-gas emissions by 2025 to 26% to 28% below 2005 levels, up from the current target of 17% below 2005. How about China's part? They will be allowed a little more than three 5-year plans (until 2030) to begin to  figure out how to reduce reliance on fossil fuels to 80%. Now is that a deal or what? Months in the making. Imagine if they had more time.  Can the Chinese be trusted to do this? How far can you throw a piano?

Remember the concern everyone had as to how the poor air quality would impact athletes during the 2008 Beijing Olympics? Never was a problem. Why not? The Beijing government closed all smoke belching SOEs several months prior to the Olympics including moving whole factories away from the city. Odd and even license plate days were enforced in terms of being able to drive into the city and eventually all autos were banned from driving during the Olympics. As a result - clear blue skies during the Olympics. It should also be mentioned that the city has a goal of so many blue sky days a year which are not days that blue skies can actually be seen but rather the amount of measureable pollutants in the air is below a certain level, hence a "blue sky day." If the Chinese could accomplish clear air during the Olympics, why give them another 16 years to try to start cleaning up the air? "Months in the making." Really?

Finally, in the same 11/13/14 WSJ edition, Fred Krupp, President of the tree hugging Environmental Defense Fund wrote that this was "A Game-Changing Climate Agreement."  Essentially, this great agreement removes any argument as to why we (the U.S.) should not be more aggressive in cutting greenhouse-gases now that China has signed on to the cause. Time to close the coal powered electric plants, close coal mines, develop more solar and wind to power for everything, etc.  According to Krupp, all of this can happen because of this "diplomatic breakthrough."  With respect to the agreement, according to Shi Yinhong, an expert on U.S.-China relations at Beijing's Renmin University, "One thing is certain, China and the U.S. can only agree to easier areas."  So much for a "game-changing agreement."  In passing, it should be noted that Renmin U. is the official "Party School" - not to be confused with our party schools like San Diego State or Penn State. Even the communists do not consider this to be a "game-changer" or "diplomatic breakthrough." It is really just more Krupp Krap.
