Dewey Defeats Truman

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The Obama cheer leading press, including network and leftist cable news attempted to replicate the greatest disaster in news reporting, that of the 1948 Chicago Daily Tribune headline, with their own version of the desired outcome of the Israel election, that being  Isaac Herzog's Zionist Union Party, in actuality Obama,  defeating Israeli PM Netanyahu. As of election eve they all reported exit polls were revealing the election too close to call but leaning (hopefully in their view) toward Netanyahu's defeat. Even the Wall Street Journal was getting on the bandwagon with their  March 18, 2015 Edition front page,  "Israeli Election a Dead Heat"  and Editorial, "Israel Election Cliffhanger."   Hedging their bet somewhat, The Journal did add that "Netanyahu Has Advantage" with respect to building a ruling coalition. Nice try to look somewhat unbiased.

Obama had sent his community organizers and former campaign manager, funded by hundreds of thousands of dollars of U.S. State Department's Grants and untold other hidden funds, to organize the Israeli Arabs to vote against Netanyahu and  for the Zionist Union. All that was lacking was A.C.O.R.N., the New Panthers intimidating Israeli voters and busing in Palestinian Arabs to rig the election. Somewhat surprising was Obama not actually travelling to Israeli to make campaign speeches for Herzog with several thousand Arab shills standing behind him and clapping on cue. When Netanyahu called attention to these practices he was called "racist" by the Obama regime with perhaps Obama threatening that AG Holder would be sent to investigate election irregularities and potential discriminatory voter ID laws.

Given these reports, Obama no doubt retired in anticipation of awakening the next morning to a concession speech, "You won't have BiBi Netanyahu to kick around anymore."  As everyone knows now (maybe not since the press is reluctant to print the facts) Obama was crushed again as was the case in the 2014 mid-terms.  Now to get even he may be prepared for a new executive action claiming Palestine a separate nation state. Also, pushing ahead with his Iranian nuclear deal, he will attempt to make sure Iran can develop a nuclear warhead to be  placed on an ICBM prior to the end of his second term in order that they can declare war against the U.S. and allow Obama to surrender to them, the capstone and legacy  of his presidency.
