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In keeping with Black History Month, the following are some little known facts not normally covered by the Liberal/Left Wing Press:

1641 - Massachusetts becomes the first colony to legalize slavery. Way to go Libs.

1711 - The public slave market opens in New York City near Wall Street. It is believed the price of slaves was determined by the daily "Tyron-Jones Average."

1718 - French establish New Orleans. In three years there are more enslaved Africans than there are white men. Not much else has changed since then. Actually, New Orleans is one of the greatest inventions of all time. Create a city that is 10 feet underwater and fill it with democrats that cannot swim.

June 19, 1865 - Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in the Confederate States only (not in the Northern States) on September 22, 1862 with an effective date of January 1, 1863. Slaves in Texas did not find out about the proclamation and the end of the War of Secession (it was not a Civil War) until June 19, 1865. The date is now celebrated by blacks in Texas and other southern states as "Juneteenth." Obviously, word traveled slow in those days.

1866 - Two blacks become first to sit in Massachusetts legislature. Most eastern cities have been screwed up ever since.

2010 - The first year the Census Bureau used the term "African American" rather than Negro to classify people by race. "African American" came into use in the 1970s and was made popular by Jessie Jackson in the 1980s replacing "Colored" and "Negro." It is interesting the note that on the 1961 birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama his father was listed as being "African American" and a resident of Kenya which as a British Colony did not exist as the country of Kenya. Was Hawaii ahead of the times?
