This Spring onion pancake was my sister in law Wen Wen's favourite when she used to live in Taiwan.
She asked for a good recipe from me, with those spring onions growing like crazy in my garden, I immediately took the task at hand!
Note: This is a revisit and fine tuned version of the original recipe posted on 5/11/2011.
Ingredients:(Yield 4 sheets of 8 inches/6 sheets 6 inches pancakes)
3 cups/400 gm All Purpose Flour
1/3 cup/ 50 ml vegetable oil (I used grape-seeds oil)
1- 1 1/2 tsp salt
1 bunch spring onion(Use only the green part)
3/4 cup warm water
1/4-1/3 cup of room temperature water (depending on the flour and moisture level)

1. First, take out 1/3 cup/45 gm of all purpose flour from the total flour listed. Mix it with 1/3 cup/50 ml of vegetable oil and 1 1/2 tsp of salt, it should form a runny paste.
2. Knead the remaining flour with warm water until the flour becomes flaky, add room temperature water to form a very soft ball, it should feel like your earlobe when touch. Leave the dough aside for 10-15 minutes, cover with a wet towel or cling paper.
3. Washed and drained spring onion/scallion, spin dry and chopped as fine as possible.
Note: it is important to spin the water out of spring onion, to prevent breakage during rolling later.
4. Spread some vegetable oil on working surface and on hands. Divide dough into 4 equal parts (around 150 gm each) or 6 equal parts (around 100 gm each) , roll it out into a rectangular shape, around 1 mm thick.
5. Spread a thin layer of oil-flour mixture (around 1 tbsp) on it and sprinkle as much chopped spring onion as you can handle.
6. Carefully roll the sheet starting from the top, once it is all rolled up like a rolled towel, with firm grips at both ends, slowly pull and fling the roll at opposite direction while lightly tapped the dough, this is to pull the dough into a long strip, the longer, the better.
7. Rolled the strip up to shape like a spiral shell, tucked the end underneath.
(As shown in the picture.) Leave the spiral shells to rest for another 20-30 minutes.
Note:You can make these doughs in bulk, it stays well in the fridge for 2-3 days and up to a month in the freezer, just defrost/thaw the dough one night before you want to fry it.
8. After half an hour, take out one of the dough and roll it out into a 6/8 inch flat bread.

9. Heat up a cast iron pan/griddle, fry pancake at medium heat, cover with lid first, when the surface of pancake turn translucent, turn and fry the other side. You can use some oil for frying if you like your pancake to be crispier.
10. Cook the pancake the way shown in the short movie below to loosen up the layers, this will make it crispy, layered and soft.
Short Video: