视频:How America Elects(字幕)

VOA: How America Elects: Who Can Run For President? 

美国之音 美国是如何进行选举的 可以竞选总统

Every four years, the citizens of the U.S. elect a president. The path is long and difficult. Find out what a candidate will need to run for president.


It is that time again, where once every four years, the citizens of the United States elect a president. The path to become a president is long and difficulty. By the time, a new president is inaugurated, it'll have taken well over a year.

Just who can be a president? How do you go around it?  The US constitution says, you must be a natural born U.S. citizen , at least 35 years old who has lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years. If you meet those requirements, then you will have to register your candidacy and campaign committee with the Federa Election Commission.

Next, make sure to get your name on the voting ballot in  each states. Congratulations.  The paper is done. Your name is on the ballot and you've officially declared your candidacy.

The next step? Start to raise money which you need a lot of to run a successful presidential campaign.

VOA: How America Elects: How To Raise Money

Candidates for U.S. President can receive money from individuals, political party, political action committee and the federal government for their campaign.

美国总统候选人可以接受来自个人 政党 政治行动委员会联邦政府他们的竞选活动提供的捐款。

Once you've declared your candidacy, you are official on the path to become president. To get any further, you will need to start raise money.  But from whom? Federal rules say that candidates for U.S. President can receive money from individuals, a political party, a political action committee or the federal government . Another less regulated way is through a committee called Super Pack. Some say Super Packs are corrupt, other say they represent free speech.  Either way, they are a vital way for presidential candidates to fund raise.

Basically, to raise money, you'll have to hold big rallies, and hold fancy dinners, where you'll shake lots of hands, kiss lots of babies. A website can also help you get donations and sell campaign merchandise. You'll definitely need the money that you can get to hire a staff, travel around the nation, purchase ads, and conducts polls and research. Hopefully, all the spending will translate into successful poll numbers in order to survive the competitive race for president.

VOA: How America Elects: U.S. Political Parties

VOA: How America Elects: Caucuses & Primaries 

Caucuses are more complicated than primaries. People who are registered in one of the parties gather for an evening of discussion and debate around the state. At the end of the night, everyone votes.

VOA: How America Elects: Polls & Debates




