回答: 为什么大多数美籍华人支持TRUMP? 由 csc211 于 2016-03-13 19:31:44
见人气呼声很高的“周六夜现场”节目:Racists for Donald Trump.
华人在国内习惯了大城市歧视小城市,城市人歧视农村人,崇洋迷白,来到美国后对于川普的歧视少数族群的言论一拍即合,忘了自己的1% 的少数群组身份。
有人阶级觉悟高左右分得清,动辄出言不逊对待与其观点不合者,言必称左棍。令人想到什么呢,想到-- 左棍 打 右球。想象美国国球,棒球(national sport, baseball),棒子一击打中,让球飞一会儿~~~~
[happycow222 发表评论于 2016-05-31 17:18:07
相关链接:Donald Trump’s long history of racism
这就是我们的问题。 -csc211- ♂
(0 bytes) (5 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 19:53:58
• 不过呢,不见得华人的大多数是支持川普的。 -偶灯斯陋- ♀
(164 bytes) (21 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:02:54
• 希望是这样 -csc211- ♂
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:08:37
• 其实实情是这样的。文学城也就一小部分人支持川普,不过他们上窜下跳非常活跃 -老不正经的- ♂
(121 bytes) (14 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:08:58
• 你的观察其实蛮正经的啊! -偶灯斯陋- ♀
(181 bytes) (9 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:11:45
• 放心了许多! -窗外细雨- ♀
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:15:01
• 我估计(纯属猜测啊)这里面有隐情(内容若有雷同,纯属巧合) -老不正经的- ♂
(586 bytes) (11 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:28:32
• 扣帽子没用。请举出川普是种族主义者的论据。 -来自猩猩的你- ♂
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:02:09
• 例子俯拾即是:Here Are 9 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist -偶灯斯陋- ♀
(577 bytes) (38 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:08:33
• 哦原来如此呀。那么请解释九十岁岁高龄的当年著名黑人人权斗士Charles Evers为何支持Trump -加共- ♂
(300 bytes) (20 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 19:55:41
• He is like Clarence Thomas. Period. -偶灯斯陋- ♀
(76 bytes) (15 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 19:59:15
• You question his credential? -加共- ♂
(4735 bytes) (14 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:05:06
• No I don't doubt his credential but I ASKED YOU--how many follow -偶灯斯陋- ♀
(48 bytes) (12 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:13:15
• First of all, when a man was honored as the man of the year by N -加共- ♂
(798 bytes) (6 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:29:50
• I guess less than 1%. -偶灯斯陋- ♀
(80 bytes) (5 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:33:17
• yeah so you guess. -加共- ♂
(49 bytes) (3 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:34:31
• You may come with your own statistics IF YOU HAVE. -偶灯斯陋- ♀
(30 bytes) (6 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:37:18
• First of all, you don't have a stats here. -加共- ♂
(121 bytes) (6 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:40:49
• One thing for sure: African Americans are against racism. -偶灯斯陋- ♀
(172 bytes) (4 reads) 03/13/2016 postreply 20:58:27
One thing for sure: African Americans are against racism.
Trump has so much racist talk and behavior, and he has been backed by white supremacists and that is not ignored by American people, including African Americans.