“The United States spends nearly two decades after signing the armistice in deep animosity to Red China.
The conflict ends only in February 1972 when Richard Nixon goes to China and reaches a settlement.”
(即使)停战协定签署后 美国几近廿年来 对红中国敌仇难消。直到1972年尼克松去了中国才握手言和。
贝文·亚历山大 [美国]
Bevin Alexander (born 17 February 1929 in Gastonia, North Carolina, United States) is an American military historian and author.[2]He served as an officer during the Korean War as part of the 5th Historical Detachment. His book Korea: The First War We Lost was largely influenced by his experiences during the war. Bevin has served as a consultant and adviser to several groups due to his military expertise, including work for the Rand Corporation, work as a consultant for military simulations instituted by the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command, and as director of information at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia. As of 2007, he is an adjunct professor at Longwood University, in Farmville, Virginia.