Co-pilots = No pilot? Hmm
Bill Clinton calls Obama legacy ‘awful,’ potentially dooming wife’s campaign
It was beyond an epic mistake. I mean, what was Bill Clinton thinking?
At an event in Spokane, Washington, Mr. Clinton called for putting “the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us and the seven years before that, where we were practicing trickle-down economics with no regulation in Washington, which is what caused the crash, then you should vote for her,” Mr. Clinton said, referring to his wife, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, on the stump Monday.
“Because she’s the only person who basically has good ideas, will tell you how she’s going to pay for them, can be commander in chief, and is a proven change maker with Republicans and independents alike,” the former president said.
It’s like Bill had no idea Hillary is running for President Obama’s third term.
“If you take a step back and look at all America has achieved over the past eight years, it’s remarkable to see how far we’ve come,” Hillary wrote in an op-ed in the Huffington Post in January, titled “What President Obama’s Legacy Means to Me.”
She went on to explain how Mr. Obama has taken on “the toughest regulations on Wall Street since the 1930s,” and how Mr. Obama’s policies have created “70 straight months of private-sector job growth,” and that businesses have created 14.1 million jobs.
“The unemployment rate is the lowest in seven years,” Mrs. Clinton wrote. “And the auto industry just had its best year ever.”
It’s almost like Bill didn’t get Hillary’s talking points — or didn’t understand that Barack Obama has been president for the past seven years.
Mrs. Clinton swept the Southern primaries based on her promise to continue Mr. Obama’s policies, and the black vote has rallied around her. She has captured more than 80 percent of the black vote — many of whom are sad to see Mr. Obama go — based on her promises to continue his legacy.
Indeed, the president himself has come just short of endorsing Hillary calling her “wicked smart” and her campaign “more prose than poetry.”
Does Bill really want Hillary to become president? After statements like today’s, one has to question.
Even Matt Drudge questioned why make these statements now.
“Heard Obama moving on email indictments?” Mr. Drudge questioned on Twitter. “Drugged out? Alzheimer’s?”
Thoughts to ponder.
Copyright © 2016 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.
About the Author
Kelly Riddell
Kelly Riddell is a columnist and commentary writer for The Washington Times.
She can be reached at
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Real Talk • 20 hours ago Obama is in denial about this economy, jobs keeps moving abroad and more people stopped looking for jobs all together that's why unemployment percentage makes no sense
concernedcitizen09 Real Talk • 15 hours ago Ahem, just who is in denial about the economy? Do you even recall the wonderful shape the economy was in when W left office? On the brink of a global financial failure not seen since the Great Depression. Does that ring a bell? Google it. W had the war in Iraq and Medicare Part D declared "off budget." Cute trick. Try buying a new car and telling your spouse that you can afford it because the car payments are off budget. See how far that gets you. And that is from the "fiscally responsible" Republican party. The Republicans drove the economy into the ditch and now they want the keys back because they are just sure that trickle down will work this time even though it never has in the past. As they say -- you are entitled to your own opinions but you are not entitled to your own facts.
Remember when Mitt said he would get the unemployment rate down to 6% by 2016? Well, Obama has accomplished a lower rate sooner. That's the facts.
unbiasedfan concernedcitizen09 • 10 hours ago Wrong lib, the Actual rate is OVER 10% when the number of people no longer eligible for unemployment benefits are counted.
We have never had so many people used up their unemployment benefits and remain unemployed.-
Smith unbiasedfan • 5 hours ago its more like 14-15%, some say even upwards of 20%
In real numbers there are 91-2 mill. people in the US (end of last year), eligible for work, off the employment records. Whatever that represents in % that is the real number. I can pretty much promise you that it does not come up to 5.4% which is the number Obamba - and his zombie followers take credit for. -
Scottar unbiasedfan • 4 hours ago And don't forget that most of those great jobs created ate part time, service jobs. DOL may also be double counting jobs, that is 1 person working 2 jobs to make ends meet. I also wonder how many of those counted jobs are being staffed by illegals.
ccampbell Scottar • 20 minutes ago on a lot of that you are correct and guess who is against higher minimum wages, guess which party continues to vote down infrastructure bills, is against opening their states up to medicare increases, is against investing in clean energy solutions. lol, look at the republican party for those road blocks sir.
Mike unbiasedfan • 5 hours ago How do explain home sales, retail sales and car sales? Is the government buying up home with government operative home buyers? Are they buying brand new cars and parking them at malls and home depots around the US to make it "Seem" like everything is ok? They must be huh? Part timers are not buying homes or new cars, so who is?
Smith Mike • 5 hours ago Here's some math numbers for you to make this picture a little clearer: 10% = 1 of 10 , 15% = 1.5 of 10, 20% = 2 of 10, etc. get that?
Now, when you go to Home Depot or any mall around you do you do a count of the people that show up at these places? Not likely, right?
So, if a mall somewhere in your vicinity normally has a crowd of 10,0000 people, you suggest to say that you would notice a 10 percent drop
in that crowd. If that is what you are saying, I would suggest that you are less than honest. Even at a 20%, the majority of the people that would not notice
the reduction in the crowd. They would be more interested in shopping. Isn't that what you go to a mall to do?
It would take a major reduction in the crowd for it to be noticeable to most. Then again, perhaps you are not most?
And car sales have dropped, don't kid yourself. The fact that they are going up is what it is; it is sales going up - from what it was.
Get things in perspective proper perspective Mike. -
ccampbell unbiasedfan • 24 minutes ago lol, that unemployment rate your getting all excited about also includes retired folks and young ones in college both groups are probably not looking for work. lol, typical republican always premature on something.
concernedcitizen09 unbiasedfan • 5 hours ago So, you want to change the way the numbers are counted now? Is that what conservatives have fallen to? Change the rules to suit their fantasy? And I do not see a word about the fantastic economy under Bush. It takes time to recover from that colossal mismanagement. Again, the Republicans drove the economy into the ditch and now they are complaining that Obama hasn't gotten it out of the ditch soon enough. Because they want to try the same thing again. Did you complain about Bush when the economy was hemorrhaging jobs under his watch? I'm guessing not. You can't have it both ways.
Scottar concernedcitizen09 • 4 hours ago That happened on Bush's watch cause Clintoon sighed the repeal of the Glass- Steagall Act and promoting of Carter's Community Reorganization Act. What ever reforms the Bush's administration tried to get enacted got tabled by the Dems. And don't blame the Iraq war on the recession either, it's mostly the Federal Reserve Policies that have caused these reoccurring recessions. the other problem is too many people sucking of the government's teats including well of people, Medicare, Medicaid and badly structured Social Security.
The other problem is the highest business taxes in the world and excessive government spending which Blozo has exasperated. And we have the best crony government money can buy. So it's actually both parties are the problem.
Nathan Ballard unbiasedfan • 25 minutes ago ...and we've LITERALLY never had so many available jobs in the US. Keep trying.
Smith concernedcitizen09 • 5 hours ago Amazing how we can put a spin on the facts of an issue, simply by choosing the "right" words and showing obvious lack of memory.
And btw., Obama had NOTHING to do getting the unemployment numbers down - except that he had his Labor Dept. massage the real data
to the point that the data simply "melted away"
Yeah, right, Obama did SO much for us Americans, we're actually hoping that he will step in for his beleaguered
ex-secretary of State. Hhmm, yeah, and you call yourself concerned? I am concerned for you, you must be missing a chromosome or two. -
compduck concernedcitizen09 • 8 hours ago Sadly, 93 million are not working at all. Either on welfare, food stamps or SSD. Section 8 is the most in history. So pardon me. When 93 million are out of work but not counted in the unemployment number....well you do the math. The real rate is over 10%. The sickos who support the bully are the ones in denial.
the jolly llama compduck • 13 minutes ago Are you sure its not more like a billion Americans out of work? It seems to me you've left out retirees, toddlers and people in comas.
concernedcitizen09 compduck • 5 hours ago Sadly, your degree from Trump University has failed you again. You can't just make up numbers. Facts are facts and what you have said is simply NOT TRUE. If we can just make up numbers than I will say that Obama has created enough jobs that everyone can have two. Jeez, life is easy when you can just make stuff up.
Scott Wilson compduck • 7 hours ago Those are crazypants trump numbers. The real number is about 40 million.
david concernedcitizen09 • 8 hours ago If you believe government fiddled figures I have a range of fairy tales to sell you! Once upon a time...........................
TexasVetgal concernedcitizen09 • 24 minutes ago Ovomit cooks the books. You are delusional.
JuanEllisBush Real Talk • 19 hours ago He's not in denial. Like Bill and George W. and George Herbert he is doing what his donors tell him to do. All the billionaires they know are happy with outsourcing and illegals.All those guys know how to do is make bad trade agreements between feeding the North Korean Army cause they threaten us.
Seaneiboy . Real Talk • 18 minutes ago You are in denial that Obama has asked the republican congress to give tax incentives to bring jobs home... what else do you want him to do? Get on his knees and beg republicans to be mature and do the right thing?
backell Real Talk • 34 minutes ago The facts say something different than the right wing media is telling you, so the facts don't make any sense. #NutterLogic.
Shooter2 Real Talk • 4 hours ago History of Outsourcing jobs in America to foreign countries started in 1970 with GE.
In 1989, Eastman Kodak started outsourcing the information technology systems.
Under George H W Bush administration, more American companies outsourced jobs overseas. NAFTA was drafted and negotiated under George H W Bush, when Bill Clinton assumed the presidency, he signed this NAFTA deal.
In addition to outsourcing jobs, more US jobs were being filled by lower paid foreigners brought in on H-1b and L-1 visas. American employees are discharged after being forced to train their foreign replacements. By the time Obama took office, the damages had been done, so it was not his fault.
It was a combination of US international trade policies and US corporations policy to outsource US jobs to get a better return for their investment to get richer and make the share holders happy.
Those who have financial power and political power controlled all Americans.
a_devi • 18 hours ago Hillary was pandering for the black vote in the south when she was saying she wants to continue Obama's legacy. Now that she got it, the Clinton façade doesn't matter anymore.
Toi Chandler a_devi • 7 hours ago Excuse me a devil the black vote? I come from one family. My mother father self. Served and protected people like YOU. As an officer in the NAVY got my degrees by my intelligence so as a Race Black Americans as much as it may hurt you don't share a brain
Anscotman • 9 hours ago Well what do you know? Once in a while a Clinton CAN tell the truth. Who'd have guessed?
Facthunt Anscotman • 4 hours ago Yes he did tell the truth, only you don't know what the "truth" is in this case, because you limited your reading to this article only.
Anscotman Facthunt • 2 hours ago When it comes to Bill Clinton, I learned long ago that his truth and THE truth are usually quite different.
Carol Facthunt • 4 hours ago Do you mean the democrats that came back and said Bill didn't mean Obama's eight yrs., he was talking about the eight years of Congress. That's a bad walk back, for one thing, Republican Congress was not in during the whole eight yrs., and the other thing is this: Bill Clinton is twice the leader than his wife could ever be, and if he were speaking of Congress he would have said that. No, President Clinton meant exactly what he said. In the end Bill will be the only President that this family will have. Trump 2016.
Facthunt Carol • 4 hours ago "But if you believe we can all rise together, if you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us and the seven years before that when we were practicing trickle-down economics and no regulation in Washington, which is what caused the crash, then you should vote for her because she’s the only person who basically had good ideas will tell you how she’s going to pay for them, can be commander in chief and is a proven change maker with republicans and democrats and independents alike.”
The so,called two year when Democrats controlled everything was in fact 10 weeks. Franken, Byrd and Kennedy were all either blocked from taking their seats, hospitallized or dead. Brown won Kennedy's seat in late 2009.
Carol Facthunt • 4 hours ago Fact, Bill is loyal to Hillary, they've been a couple for many, many years, and they would vouch for each other no matter what the other one did or does. But, at this point in the very hard left Democrat Party nobody with good decision-making will trust them anymore. What was doesn't exist in this Party at this time of history, it is a mess.
cfc912 • 15 hours ago Yeah I mean, it's not like Bill Clinton's regime played a part in the financial crisis.
dnokc • 17 hours ago First time I've ever agreed will Bill!
Probably first time he EVER told the TRUTH! -
Robert Knox • 20 hours ago Are white voters as beguiled by Mr. Obama as blacks? Do they want another term for him? Mr. Obama's actions show quite plainly that he does NOT want the economy to prosper because people who are earning money aren't as willing to support spending increases as people who depend on government. This is part of the "Democrat war on the poor" which is explained at
Unfortunately, the rest of us are collateral damage to his "job-destruction machine," details at
The fewer jobs there are, the more people depend on the government, which means more votes for the party of takers. We makers need to look out!
John Doe Robert Knox • 9 hours ago And Obama is pushing for a presidential pay raise. I'm guessing Michelle has gotten used to 70+ servants in the White House and wants the tax payers to pay for them for ever.
Robert Knox John Doe • 4 hours ago I think it;s being able to spend a billion dollars per year on family vacations.
concernedcitizen09 Robert Knox • 15 hours ago You need professional help if you belief this conspiracy crap. Seriously, see a therapist.
Cathy concernedcitizen09 • 8 hours ago Conspiracy? You mean like Clinton's Vast Right Wing Conspiracy?
concernedcitizen09 Cathy • 5 hours ago There is ample evidence of the right wing collaborating against the Clintons. Where is the evidence for the Scragged articles?
Cathy concernedcitizen09 • 30 minutes ago concernedcitizen09 said - "There is ample evidence of the right wing collaborating against the Clintons. Where is the evidence for the Scragged articles?"
Where is the "ample evidence" of a right wing conspiracy? Where are the links to this evidence? Since Clinton has been claiming this VRWC crap for years surely you will have no problems using links to back up your statement. Thanks.As for the scragged stuff I did not post that nor did I follow the links.