在街道的另一边是有组织的抗议示威人群,估计有几千人。他们举着抗议牌子来回走着,高喊口号“Dump Trump", "Trump is the racist", "Trump is the Hitler"。 还有的举着墨西哥国旗。还有的牌子写着“不要边界”等等,当然还有桑德斯的支持者在叫卖印有调侃克林顿的丅恤。
When a crime is committed against you or your family, such as robbing you, killing you, raping you whatsoever, you must stop it with whatever force that you have, if you don't like to be the inevitable victim.
Trump's criminal conduct is disguised as political campaign. Hence it is quite elusive. But more and more savvy and conscious people have realized the peril which Trump is carrying to USA. He must be stopped from further agitating the chaos among ignorant people.
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A hate crime is committed to intimidate, harm or terrify not only a person, but an entire group of people to which the victim belongs.
一剑飘尘 发表评论于
你可以这么认为:He is committing crime of hate. 但是你没有权力:he must be stopped.就这么简单的事情。
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He is committing crime of hate. Therefore, he must be stopped.