>>>羅姆尼所稱:“他並不是一個商業天才。” No body buys this. Have you ever try to start business? Or any enterprise? How many people failed? Author did not address why so many lobbyists. 華爾街 and interest groups are so scared? You think they love you?
I have to agree with Mr. Romney on this. Mr. Trump's records showed that he is prone to failure -- take for example Trump Steak, Trump Vodka, Trump Air, Trump Mortgage, GoTrump .com, Trump Magazine, Trump Ice...etc. All of these businesses failed (there are many more).
And -- don't forget Trump University. Mr. Romney can tell you a lot about that.
Because the illegal immigrants are not entitled to welfare at all. In fact -- they pay taxes too, but are not entitled to receive social security, TANF, SSI...etc. The middle class did shrink -- by 4% in the last 15 years. And a good chunk of those people became upper class. The percentage of the population on entitlement did go up -- although Mr. Trump said that he will not touch entitlement programs (May 21, 2015, Des Moines, Iowa, "Why Donald Trump Won't Touch Your Entitlements.") There is no "全民健保" in the U.S. (you might be thinking Taiwan). U.S. health insurance companies remain profitable and running as we speak. The rich are indeed getting richer -- however, I don't supposed you would favor socialism (or vote for Mr. Sanders)? Wall Street apparently cannot control politicians nowadays. They donated $34m to Jeb -- and he dropped out. Hillary received $17m -- but that's not even 10% of how much she raised in total. I find it hard to believe that she can be bought by that.
Sure, you can be angry. But before you go there, I'd suggest you use your head first (and google some facts. You'd be surprised. Trust me.)
罗姆尼所称:“他并不是一个商业天才。” No body buys this. Have you ever try to start business? Or any enterprise? How many people failed? Author did not address why so many lobbyists. 华尔街 and interest groups are so scared? You think they love you?