Benefit Street(Providence, RI )是一条非常精典老派的新英兰街道,两边的古建有一二百年的历史,在城市的山坡上,可以远望大海,俯瞰小城。红砖的人行道起起伏伏,凸凹不平,平添几分特色和兴致。总想拍点什么,上个秋季来此,晚了,拾了几片残叶,今年四月的第一个周末再去探望,又来早了,春色还在孕育。这样走着,女儿想找洗手间,进了身边的这座公共图书馆,走出来认真对我说,爸爸最好进去看看。古朴的石头建筑,看什么?太不起眼了,以至于都没拍一张外景。
*The Providence Athenaeum, founded as "The Athenaeum" in 1836, is an independent, member-supported library open to the public. Its progenitors were two earlier libraries, The Providence Library Company, founded in 1753 and the Providence Athenaeum, founded in 1831; it became "The Providence Athenaeum" by amendment to its charter in 1850.--摘自网络。