America isn't easy: Democracy comes with a price, too high now ever in history, making us wonder if it's worth. What made America great was his pioneer, cowboy spirit (freedome, liberal); however, conservative family value was its core to prosperity. When time evolves, what's the definition of that value today - it's how debate goes on. Such value is up to interpretation by different politicians while voters say theirs with their vote.
I gotta say I monitor closely what's going as I constantly listen to satellite radio shows: Rachel Maddow (MSNBC), Fox Megyn Kelly, CNN, etc. I thought Donald Trump with cowboy spirit, but little substances, no specific policy thinking, only shouting, screaming, more like a school bully. Bernie Sanders burning your blood, but lack of implementation as human nature of selfish and greedy, a driver for many. Ted Cruz, clueless about diversity of society, with bad mouth all others except himself - selfish with dark mindset - lack of kindness, graciousness. Hillary Clinton, lack of vitality and new ideas. Sad, what's our hero?
Wait, is democracy about you and me - your ideas and my ideas? Can't trust any human beings - sinners like you and me. Flaw is part of hallmark for any politicians - perfect? no way. I pray for such a powerful hero, nevertheless, for prosperity, peace and security of America, still high hope in my mind.
For those staying in America, you have any ideas why you do what you do? What's your interpretation? Some thought reading this morning's headline:
The DNC has shifted left since the '90s, and Hillary is running against her husband's policies.
It has become something of a mantra on the left that the
It’s a cheap and self-serving claim, but it raises an interesting question: Less than 20 years since the conclusion of his presidency, could
Clinton portrayed himself as a “new Democrat” — a politician who, though fairly liberal on many issues, was pragmatic enough to reach across the political aisle to get things done when necessary. Some of his primary accomplishments — welfare reform, telecommunications and financial deregulation, NAFTA, the
He also signed a crime bill that helped lead to plummeting crime rates, instituted the military’s "don’t ask don’t tell" policy on gays and, at least rhetorically, signaled that the goal of public policy should be to make abortion not just safe and legal but also rare. Clinton even signed the
Clinton even embraced a conservative approach on illegal immigration, signing a law that raised deportations and strengthened penalties for illegal immigrants. Little of this would be acceptable in this year's Democratic primary.
Perhaps the most telling example of how far left today's Democratic Party has moved in the past decade is the campaign of his wife.
She’s promising to raise taxes; she repudiates her husband’s tough approach to crime prevention and she is all in for gay marriage by judicial fiat.
And on immigration, Hillary has followed
On free trade, she once supported NAFTA and other free-trade agreements. She even supported the
The Democratic front-runner is moving left not because the country has moved left (though it has on some cultural issues) but rather because her party has — dramatically so.
For example, in 1992, Bill Clinton defeated several candidates who ran to his left — liberals such as
A recent
POLICING THE USA: A look at race, justice, media
Bill Clinton made headlines in recent days for taking a shot at the "awful legacy" of the Obama era.
He has a point. During Clinton's presidency, economic growth averaged roughly 3.8% per quarter in real GDP. Under
If Hillary Clinton is promising to give us more of the same failed liberal policies of the past "awful" eight years, why would anyone vote for her?
So, could Bill Clinton get the nomination in today’s Democratic Party? Given the Democrats' lurch to the left over the past two decades, and considering Hillary Clinton’s renunciation of the more moderate and bipartisan (not to mention successful) elements of her husband’s legacy, the answer is a resounding no.
Former Republican presidential candidate
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