,” said Navarr

What is of greater significance, attitude or talent? I say this in reference to Dez Bryant and the temper tantrum displayed for all to see in the Cowboys 31-30 loss to Detroit. Stephen Curry Basketball Shoes For Sale . It seems that many, if not all, rationalize that his intense passion for football out-weights his lack of self-control and disrespect for other players and coaches. Going into this game, the battle was Cowboy and Lions with a sub-plot of Bryant and Calvin Johnson. I really cant see Johnson losing control the way Bryant did; he has too much class. What amazed me was that the aggression went on and on and on. First it was Tony Romo and his offensive coordinator, then the wide receiver coach, and then it got serious. Jason Witten and DeMarcus Ware? Perhaps the two most respected Cowboys players in the last 10 years have to intervene due to a player who basically was upset because he was not getting his way. I thought it was an ugly incident that re-established the ticking time bomb that is Terrell Owens. Opps , I mean Dez Bryant.                       In the extreme opposite, there is Calvin Johnson. When you wish for the perfect wide receiver you wish for Calvin Johnson. 65, 245lbs, runs a 4.5 forty and has a 45" vertical. But have you noticed how the number one comments about Calvin Johnson is not football but personality and person, and how comfortable people are around him and how comfortable he is around people. That he has the one thing we can all control in good and bad times, that being attitude. Often truth is based on massive repetition over time, both positive and negative. If you constantly and consistently hear something about someone, that something about that someone is probably true. Not every now and then but all the time. Everyone says that Calvin Johnson is unique, both on the football field and off and both as a player and a person. Constantly and consistently. There is talent and attitude; Calvin Johnson has both and Dez Bryant has one . In Green Bay, I vote for Arron Rogers for best quarterback in present time. I know the competition is severe - Payton Manning , Tom Brady , Drew Bress -but I have never seen anybody throw a football like Arron Rogers. The velocity is in the extreme, the accuracy incredible, and his calmness beyond unique. Arron Rogers comes across as if he is playing pickup football with his friends in his demeanor and vibe. Rogers was 15-for-19 on 3rd down and on four of the missed third down opportunities they went for it on fourth down and got it. So it was 17-of-19. It is always an opinion based speculative assessment when you talk about "the best," but my opinion, based on speculation, sides with Arron Rogers. Who is the best team right now? How about the Cincinnati Bengals. That was a pretty good Jets defense that Andy Dalton ripped apart for over 300 yards passing and over 40 points. Marvin Lewis is becoming a perfect example not to change head coaches too fast. Lewis entered this year with career wins and losses of 79-80-1. Most coaches, if not all, after that many games with a one-game losing record would not be head coaches anymore. Yet, this is the best Bengals team that Marvin Lewis has ever had. I broke a rule that I promised I would never break: never go against Payton Manning. At one point, the Washington Redskins were winning 21-7 in Denver. Then we heard the last of Roy Helu, Jr. and Alfred Morris and the running game. Have no idea why? RG3 is a different type of quarterback, not better or not as good, just different. Kind of like Alex Smith in KC, who needs players of quality around him to win. RGR needs running backs around him to win and he needs the coaches to use them all four quarters. Finally, the Kansas City Chiefs finished the 2012 season with a 2-14 record; worst in the league. The same Kansas City Chiefs are now 8-0 with eight to go. There really are only two reasons; Alex Smith as a quarterback that protects the ball and Andy Ried as a head coach . Now, of the two, Ried is a bigger reason for success than Smith. This reminds me of when Sean Payton was a head coach, was suspended and came back as a head and look at the Saints now. But it is not so much the individual head coach as a person as much as the structure and demands that key person demands. Andy Reid sets the schedule, hires the assistants, drafts the players, asks for the free agents, cuts players and this is the key - expresses accountability. Crystal clear in what is expected and what results are demanded. With a team of 53 players and 53 different personalities, organization in the clearest manor is a priority. Head coaches are master organizers. So 8-0, and here we go after an undefeated season created only by the 74 Dolphins. Of the eight games left, five are tough ones. At Denver on November 17 with the Chiefs coming off the bye, at San Diego the next week followed by Denver again, this time in Denver. And the final two; Colts at home and San Diego in San Diego. With that schedule, if the Chiefs do it they for certain have earned it. Stephen Curry Sneakers 2016 . The German football federation says proceeds from the national sides first game in Mainz will go to charity. Germany has two wins from two games against Armenia, 5-1 away in a World Cup qualifier in 1996 and 4-0 in the return game the following year. Cheap Stephen Curry Shoes . Ellis had a $5.75 million option, and he will be paid a $1 million buyout. The 36-year-old second baseman batted .264 with 13 home runs and 79 RBIs in two seasons with the team.CINCINNATI – The late, great Earl Weaver once was asked about momentum and whether it existed in baseball. “Momentum is only as good as the next days starter,” the long-time Baltimore Orioles manager famously quipped. Blue Jays skipper John Gibbons was smacked in the face with that truth on Saturday. Less than 24 hours after his club staged the second biggest comeback in franchise history, winning 14-9 on Friday night in a game it had trailed 8-0, J.A. Happ (6-4) imploded on the mound and the Reds won a laugher 11-1. “He didnt have it today,” said Gibbons. “We really never had a chance. You know, just kind of sucked the wind out of us right away but, hey, we move on. Show up tomorrow.” Happ got the first two outs of the first inning. Reasonably quickly, too, as Billy Hamilton grounded out and Todd Frazier lined out. Then, inexplicably, Happ fell apart. He walked Joey Votto. He walked Brandon Phillips. He walked Jay Bruce to load the bases. Ryan Ludwick smacked a two-run single to centerfield, scoring Votto and Phillips. Happ walked Devin Mesoraco. Finally, Ramon Santiago grounded out to end Happs 37-pitch first inning. Whatever the events of Friday night had done to ease the burden of an ugly sweep in New York, Happ had put his team in another hole and this time the offence couldnt climb its way out. “I was trying to be too fine, maybe, or what Im not sure,” said Happ. “I let three guys go and then the base hit, kind of a tough way to start. I tried to be aggressive after that, but we didnt have a ton for them today and that started with me.” Jay Bruce hit a solo home run in the third, the Reds scored four more times on three singles and two doubles in the fourth and Happs day was done. So was the Blue Jays afternoon; they could muster only a Colby Rasmus solo home run in the seventh off of Reds starter Mike Leake (5-6). REYES LEAVES WITH KNEE BRUISE Jose Reyes wont start on Sunday after fouling a ball off his left knee in the fifth inning of Saturdays loss to the Reds. He didnt take his shortstop position after finishing his at-bat, replaced by Steve Tolleson. He doesnt think its serious. “I hit it pretty good there, but its not a big deal,” said Reyes. Reyes confirmed hed already been approached by manager John Gibbons, who informed him that he wouldnt be in Sundays starting lineup. Reyes is hitless in his last 12 at-bats and Gibbons suggested a breather could do his shortstop good. RASMUS ON A ROLL Colby Rasmus is off to a nice start since coming off the disabled list in time for Wednesdays game at Yankee Stadium. In four games, hes 6-for-14 with a home run and two doubles. He drew a walk, a crucial one at that, leading off the ninth inning of Friday nights improbable come-from-behind, 14-9 victory over the Reds. He scored the winning run on an Erik Kratz double. Rasmus missed 33 games with a strained right hamstring. He didnt waste time while he was hurt. He went to work in the gym and he credits his easy transition into the lineup to increased strength. “Going on the DL, Im able to put a little weight on and get stronger and lift (weights) and do a lot more things that Im not able to do when Im playing because, when Im playing, its hard to get those good lifts in where you can be sore the next day,” said Rasmus. “You dont want to mess yourself up. I was able to get stronger and that helps.” The Blue Jays went 23-10 in Rasmus absence, for most of the stretch maximizing the potentiall of the Anthony Gose-Kevin Pillar centrefield platoon. Stephen Curry Shoes. What Gose gave the Blue Jays with speed on the bases and defensively in centre, he couldnt make up for the power threat of Rasmuss bat. As the club began to struggle and the power numbers regressed to normalcy, it became clear how much Rasmus was missed. Hes back and hes resumed the same approach he brought into spring training. “Im not letting any pressures make me feel pressure,” said Rasmus. “In the past, when I was younger, people tried to always light a fire under me because Im kind of chilled and just kind of laid back, quiet and they always tried to make me get real amped up and it didnt help me none because I drove myself crazy wanting to do good. Id get myself so amped up and then not do good and the let down can break you down over time. I try to stay away from that, put me some country music on and stay relaxed, slowed down and then the game will speed me up.” On that crucial walk Rasmus drew against Reds flamethrower Aroldis Chapman on Friday night, he went up to the plate looking to greet one of Chapmans famous heaters, which consistently top 100 miles per hour. “Im looking for cheddar cheese balls,” said Rasmus, referencing one of his many nicknames for the fastball. “I mean, it is what it is, you cant worry about his offspeed stuff even though hes got a good slider, a good change-up.” NAVARRO JUBILANT AS MESSI SCORES Dioner Navarro is a fan of Argentine soccer great Lionel Messi. That, in fact, may be an understatement. Navarro wears a Messi jersey underneath his batting practice jersey everyday. Hes got the schedule laid out, too. When Messi is playing for his club team, FC Barcelona, Navarro sports the striped, red and blue home jersey. Currently, with Messi captaining Argentina in the World Cup, hes wearing Messis Argentine attire. When Messi scored in extra time to lead Argentina over Iran, 1-0, on Sunday afternoon, Navarro sprung up from a clubhouse couch and did a lap of the room, high-fiving teammates along the way. For Navarro, the game was too close for comfort. “I just got a few more greys on my head,” said Navarro. “What a goal.” Navarro admits his infatuation with Messi is strange, especially because its uncommon for one professional athlete to fawn over another. The admiration began about a decade ago. “Back home, Venezuela, we grew up and we didnt have much money,” said Navarro. “We had only the local (television) channels and my parents were trying to get us as far away from whatever they were showing us on TV, violence and all that stuff back home. We used to get the games from Spain and I kind of grew up watching the games from Barcelona and, when Messi stepped in, he was 17 years old the first time. Every year he keeps growing. He keeps doing unbelievable things.” Argentinas win was as much a relief to Navarro as it was a thrill. Hed been getting grief from his teammates. “They were all over me, oh my gosh,” said Navarro. “The last thing I wanted was it to be tight because I knew everybody was going to be talking smack to me. Messi came through.” ROSTER MOVE The Blue Jays optioned right-handed pitcher Liam Hendriks to Triple-A Buffalo before Saturdays game. Left-handed reliever Rob Rasmussen was recalled from the Bisons, which marks his second stint with the Blue Jays this season. Rasmussen made four appearances from May 20-29. He pitched two innings, allowing two hits and a walk while striking out two. Cheap Jerseys Wholesale Jerseys Wholesale Jerseys Cheap Jerseys Cheap NFL Jerseys Cheap Jerseys China Wholesale Jerseys ' ' '
