速描电视剧《魔女侦探》1/13集, TV Series Miss Fisher‘s Murder Mysteries

It's a current female version of "007",  Miss Phryne Fisher is a detective, vogue, glamour, sultry, sexy, smart, adventuous. The author, producer and actress theatrically glue men's brain and women's beauty together into this character, great job! Delicous food to brain, and chocolate to eye!

It's has won serveral awards in Australia, now it's on Channel Ovation Channel every  Saturdy with 13 series!

Episode 1: Cocaine Blues

Phryne Fisher, the single woman, just arrives her hometown Melbourne to make sure she would see the person who killed her sister to be excuted. Miss Fisher receives a luncheon invitation the same day.  When she shows up, the luncheon is cancelled due to the dealth of the house owner.  Miss Fisher, with her curiocity, collects all the information she can, and eventually proves that the owner's wife is the murder and the boss of Cocaine business behind the scene. Miss Fisher now is officially to be the first female detective in town, this is in 1920, all women stay home as housewives.  

当下播放的电视剧《魔女侦探》"Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries,是女版的《007》。与邦德略有一筹的是, 独身魔女 Phryne Fisher 集时尚,发型,媚眼,秀足,魅力,风骚,情欲,智慧,冒险为一身。作者把许多男女优秀而矛盾元素云集在她一人身上,加上电视的视觉效应,戏剧性的夸张,演员准确表演,把花瓶式美女与逻辑思维的头脑, 天衣无缝地融为一体。 使得拼凑式的魔女变得有立体,有张力,养眼,养心,养脑。

制片人的目的是赢得粉丝男女老少 从17 到 70。 此电视剧获多项奥大利亚奖,难怪美国花大钱从澳大利亚买下放映权。

第一集:Cocaine Blues 毒品悲哀

独身女郎 Phryne Fisher (费菲)重返故乡墨尔本是要目睹害死妹妹的囚徒被判死刑。 她刚到就收到当天午宴邀请, 赴宴得知,午宴取消因为男主人早饭后突然死亡。 随后的日子里好奇的费菲,通过一系列蛛丝马迹最后向警方侦探证明,害死男主人的不是别人正是其妻,揭开了貌似贤良的妻子又是幕后 Cocaine 大老板的面纱。 从此费菲自称为墨尔本的第一个女侦探。

这是1920年的故事, 当时的女人是家庭主妇, 费菲是极前卫的女性。 像女侦探的形象吗?教你怎样做风情万种女人味十足的魔女。


每星期六 Channel Ovation Channel
