Jaromir Jágr如今效命于弗罗里达队,今年44岁,目前NHL年纪最大的队员。今年弗罗里达队的最佳射手。
44岁,还能以这么好的状态活跃在球场上,就是不断提醒我们,他的职业生涯是无与伦比的.他赢得了这个职业里能赢的所有荣誉,斯坦利杯,奥运会金牌,世界锦标赛金牌。他在NHL打球时间超过许多NHL球员的年纪.打过的NHL球队 Pittsburgh Penguins, Washington Capitals, New York Rangers, Philadelphia Flyers, Dallas Stars, Boston Bruins and New Jersey Devils. 当过队长的队:the Penguins, the Rangers and the Panthers.
从十八岁到现在,整整26年,而且看起来他一点也不想退休, 估计可以打到五十岁。 是什么让他如此卓尔不群呢? 让我们来看看这个传奇男子的故事.
如果算上他3年在离开NHL的时间每年62个进球,他的NHL进球总数已经超过2000个,仅次于Wayne Gretzky.
1990新人入门选秀, 他第一轮第五位被皮茨堡选中。当时的他一句英语也不会, “Kid from Kladno”. 企鹅队安排他六个星期的英语课程, 4星期后他就停了.
NHL 最佳射手(1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001), 最有价值球员(1999), NHL球员投票选出的最优秀球员(1999, 2000, 2006), 最佳新人(1991).
真的是天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体脯,空乏其身. NHL初始,"你向谁学习,当然是向最好的学习"他的原话说的太好了,直接放这儿:
Who you gonna learn from? You gonna learn from the best. It’s no magic about it. I had one huge advantage: I loved to play on the boards. I didn’t mind the physical stuff. I didn’t mind getting hit. I felt like I was one of the strongest. That’s the way I was built—we had a farm, so I had to work on my farm since I was four years old. When you’re in a gym and you’re tired, you can quit. On the farm you can’t—the job has to be done. Hockey was just fun for me compared to this hard work. I had to help my parents to do anything on the farm. This is the way we kept our lives better than other people’s in the communist years.
除了过人的天赋,超级勤奋是他这么多年常青树的不二法宝.在纽约队的时候,他每次常规训练完(所有别的队员都做同样的事情),他还会和瑞典来的守门员Henrik Lundqvist 一起练习,每天如此。除了这个超额的训练,他还会自己晚上跑回到冰场自己一个人练习.不疯魔不成活!
斯坦利杯 (1991, 1992), 世锦赛冠军(2005, 2010), 奥运会金牌(1998),从而变成三大金杯俱乐部成员. 2010捷克冬奥会旗手.
2008–2011他回到捷克,替他父亲的球队Avangard Omsk效力,球队给出的待遇是5million,他当时在NHL的工资水平。他自己也很想多跟父母在一起报达父母多年来对他的付出,他父母为他付出牺牲很多.本以为他会就此退休,可是在捷克打球现场只有3000人观看,估计电视机前还有500人。他非常非常想念NHL现场的20000观众,还有电视机前看转播的1百万观众!
![4/25/13: Boston, MA:As the Bruins were doing their pre game warmups, eight fans, all sporting mullett wigs and each wearing a Jaromir Jagr sweater, one from all of the different teams he has played for over his long career, appeared to finally get the attention of the veteran winger on the ice and they smiled and gestured towards him. After they had finally done it, they all walked out together with the various "Jagr 68"'s on their respective backs. The Boston Bruins hosted the Tampa Bay Lightning in a regular season NHL game at the TD Garden. (Jim Davis/Globe Staff) section: sots topic: Bruins-Lightning](https://laviedanslamour.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/167533513.jpg?w=600&h=253)
2016年的全明星赛,苏班顶一头他的招牌式头发向他致敬。等等,他被多少次入选全名星赛? 答案是13次!
不出所料,英雄是一个有着非常强烈信仰的人:"I always felt kind of different, and I was looking for answers all my life. Faith is the most important thing in the world. And it’s helped me a lot, no question about it. Love and faith and, you know, God. It’s so much power—you can use it if you know how."