只记得有一天,我准备送她出门,看她坐在地毯上,身边放着整好的书包,低着头。我随即问到,怎么了?她依然低着头,过了一会儿,声音哽咽着说“I know I won't get it "。原来同学校的有人拿到了她最心仪的学校发出的一份likely letter, 而她没有。她预感着,伤心落泪。看着泪眼婆娑的她,那一刻我的心是痛的。我一边安慰她说,真正结果还没到,一边在心里自责。就一个孩子,而且她一直很乖很努力。是不是我该花钱请人的?是不是我该从她小时候起就花钱花力培养她,让她不至于今日面对失败? 几星期后,果然如她预料的,那所她最梦寐以求的学校也拒绝了她。
this is a very good article. it reflected my feeling last year. :(
however, the outcome is always better as most of my friends encouraged me at that time. I was questioning myself, shall i spend more time and money to make her into to IVY? Absolutely not! She have made through all the steps with her real interests and capabilities, she will be happy and capable for the rest of her life. This is the most important thing to me.
波城冬日 发表评论于
赞!I feel the same way as yours truly! Thanks for sharing!