
Thoughts spark like shooting stars, so I catch them and share.
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同事:“How many times do you walk your dog everyday"(你一天溜几次狗啊)?”

女儿答:“It depends. Small dogs doesn't need much exercise, whilebig dogs need to run around often because... (不一定,小狗不用太多,大狗就要次数多一些, 因......)”

同事打断她:“Then how often do you need to take your dog out (你每天需要狗狗出去几次啊)?”

女儿又答:“It's also up to the breed of the dag. Some dogs are moreactive than others, so they would need more exercise, like Husky and Eskimodogs; but others...(与狗的品种也有关系,有的狗,就要多活,例如,哈士奇或斯基摩犬, 但是有的狗......)

同事打断她:“How about your dog? How many times do you need totake her out (那么,你的狗呢?一天溜几次)?"

女儿再答:“My dog is a Shih-Tzu,she is small in size and she is not very active. So, she can just run on the stairs, I don't need to walk her!(我的狗是西施犬,她不大,也不,所以她在我家楼梯上跑跑就了,我不用遛她!)

